Thursday, November 22, 2012

Predictions: Japan sinking mysterious Atlantis - emerge?

The blast and radiation leaked from the nuclear power plant "Fukushima 1" is the worst tragedy in Japan. There are predictions that two earthquakes ... all Japanese islands will sink in water. And due to the change in the surface crust will rise found in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle mysterious sunken Atlantis.

For the first time mentions the mysterious Atlantis Plato almost 2,500 years. While official science to believe Atlantis just a beautiful legend there is evidence that this was a real civilization - and - of planetary scale. This tells Alexander Voronin, President of the Russian Society of studying the problems of Atlantis.
Plato is not the only ancient author who mentions some island nations in the Atlantic. Feopomp historian who lived in the fourth century BC, tells of a huge continent, where she lived a race of giants. Marcellus geographer mentions ten island, dedicated to god. In XVII century the German A. Kircher first published map of Atlantis. Thus began the era of the demand side of the legendary Atlantis.
I still argue what was actually Atlantis - a geographic point, several distribution centers of civilization, or a certain stage in the development of intelligent life on Earth? To date, her remains lie in America, Antarctica and the Arctic, in the northwestern parts of Europe and Africa in the Bermuda Triangle, near Cuba, Bahamas, Azorskipte and the Canary Islands, near Sicily, Malta, Cyprus and Crete.
Many researchers believe that the kingdom of Atlantis has not been a single array, and a huge number of islands. Therefore, the culture of different peoples inhabiting America, Africa and Eurasia, there are many similarities. For example - identical script to the ancient Mayans and Egyptians. Inscriptions and drawings discovered in South America partly reminiscent of ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Greek and Cretan. In the myths and legends of almost all known civilizations mention any founders of their culture that came from the depths of the ocean or land somewhere far beyond the horizon. And that the homeland of these newcomers has experienced devastating cataclysm.
Especially impressive are the myths in New Zealand, where the natives have preserved the tradition of the people of the gods - pakahakeha. These people lived in the sea and were white. The language of the Maori "pakahakeha" means "lunopodoben" and also "skin-like in the moonlight." On one of the islands is preserved stepped pyramid terraces. Actually Maori, who arrived in New Zealand 700 years ago, never erected such facilities. Maybe this has ever lived and walked Atlanteans? ...

Cobblestone bottom
In recent years in different parts of the world - off the coast of Cuba, England, Spain, Morocco, India and Japan - were found submerged man-made stone structures whose age reaches 8,000 - 10,000 years. In May 2001 the Gulf Guanahasibibes in the western region of Cuba, the expedition led by Polina Zelitska found the remains of an underwater city which supposedly aged 6000 years. In March 2003 U.S. researchers - Litl spouses, announced the opening of a huge three-tiered stone platform 500 meters from Andros Island - Bahamas. Underwater facility stretches 450 and 45 meters in width, and rises to a height of 4.5 m from the seabed.
The platform is composed of large rectangular blocks of stone. All this has the appearance of an ancient mall adjacent ports. A platform north of them succeeded at the bottom of the sea to fix something like a port. There, the Bahamas were discovered three concentric circles reminiscent of the architectural image of Atlantis as described by Plato ever.
Ten years earlier American editions crept message that 250 miles from the Azores geologists who conducted research for the detection of oil at a depth of one kilometer, found half-destroyed temple with columns. And of course, you must remember the vast research on seamounts Ampere and Josephine in the waters of the Atlantic, which took place in 1970-1980, the then-Soviet Union. So were made hundreds of photographs that capture the manmade walls, masonry and stone vaults of some structures.
The study sample of basalt taken from the top of seamounts revealed: such rocks could have been formed 12,000 years ago, at that - only on land. So 12,000 years ago from the Azores to Giblartar stretched archipelago with some stone buildings.
Ezoteritsite believe that the culture of the Atlanteans was truly universal, planetary. And traces of their civilization that are embedded in the imperishable facilities - the pyramids. Today, well-known pyramids are not only in Egypt and Mexico, but also discovered pyramids in all parts of the world except Antarctica. In the Atlantic near Bermuda on the ocean floor found mysterious pyramids of unknown substance. But indeed, the Egyptian pyramids, as shown expeditions Fund "Third Millennium", developed over many ancient structures. In other words: the Egyptians built them over the works in which they have inherited from other civilizations.
The destruction of the civilization of Atlantis was rather in stages. The reason could be the asteroid, earthquake, resulting in one of the lithospheric plates slipped under another, referring to the depths of the ocean, islands and archipelagos .. Planetary cataclysms destroyed the network of Atlanta, and with it - and one of their power. Future generations and never failed due to fragmentation and degradation to restore the race of Atlanteans.

Remote controlled cockroach with implants

Implanted in the nervous system of the cockroach electrodes cause the insect to obey human commands by remote control. To show their art neurobiological American company Backyard Brains, a set of chips borrowed toy robot insect HEXBUG Inchworm, and several cockroaches Blaberus and Aptera fusca. The role of the participants and spectators of the experiment were students from Grand Valley University (USA). The chips that have been implanted in the cockroach, forced her to turn left or right depending on the signal from the remote, blocking natural signals coming from its natural horn antennas.    However, the system requires major reworking: unruly cockroaches execute commands on the remote only in 25% of cases. Prakticheskoto application of the technology in question also remains: developers find it difficult to say what is and what can be used. Theoretically, equipped with a camera-roach cyborg could, for example, be used to search for people in destroyed buildings, but in reality time and the work is very limited due to the small capacity batteries that can carry.

German scientists disproved Einstein and exceeded the speed of light

According to the theory of relativity Einstein's nobody and nothing can move faster than the speed of light - 300,000 km per second. Of this assertion is based on modern physics. Published once were two scientific articles refuting the theory of relativity Germans surpassed the speed of light ... According to the theory of relativity Einstein's nobody and nothing can move faster than the speed of light - 300,000 km per second. However, German scientists at the University of Koblenz denied this claim. They conducted an experiment showing that photons can travel between glass prisms spaced one meter apart, instantly. The experiment has been replicated in several independent laboratories. As one of the writers said Dr. Shtolhofen, practically proven paradox, "when you can show up at the end of the road before I started traveling." Now we have to rewrite the textbooks. And also, if the work of German physicists in the future find a practical application, we hope that people will go to the stars. Now it is considered impossible, not least because human life would not be enough, even if we want to fly to the nearest star system.   And ... Americans proved that the force of gravity on the same object can be changed Astrophysicist at Cornell University (USA), Rachel Bean, based on a study of the light that comes to us from 2 million galaxies, usamnyava in the main those of general relativity. The trajectory of light from distant stars on the way to Earth repeatedly distorted as a result of the impact of the forces of gravity. Scientists have long known about it. According to Einstein, the action of these forces are constant and unvarying at all times. However, Bean was able to show that in the period before the 8 and 11 billion years for unknown reasons, the effect of gravity was completely different. But why it happened - is unknown. And suddenly, it could happen again tomorrow. Which means that the planets in the solar system will begin to change their orbits and the Earth we will not at all comfortable.

Sensation: froze human and saved him from death

British doctors with cold back to life girl who practically no e had no chance of survival. During birth the placenta is torn. The child was born without signs of life. During the first 25 minutes the girl could not even breathe. Doctors at a hospital in Cambridge failed to recover his breath, but the situation is critical - the long-term lack of oxygen causes damage to brain cells. A time for reflection was not. Doctors were forced to do one thing - to lower the body temperature of 33 degrees to the girl. "We decided to cool the child's body to 33 degrees and a half, and you know the normal temperature, it should be 37. Then wrapped in a special blanket with which to maintain the same body temperature and store it as 72 hours "- says doctor Topun Austin. "Our goal was to reduce the temperature in the brain. It had to be below 34 degrees - explains consultant physician Vidya Garikapati. - This increases the metabolism. This helps the brain to recover quickly from injuries received. '    Under the conditions of anoxia or children do not survive, or in most cases leads to serious complications that seriously affect their lives later. But doctors did not find any problems in Ella. "It was horrible - brain damage 25 minutes lifelessness - recalls the girl's mother Rachel Klekstan. - Doctors took the child in Cambridge. I do not know what awaits us. ' Successful use of artificial hypothermia in neonates, according to experts, can be one of the greatest achievements in medicine in the last twenty years. Doctors still talk carefully to succeed. It will take several years to ensure that children do not have any complications. Behind them will be closely monitored by doctors. But the miracle has happened: little Ella is alive and well. Last summer, doctors in the UK literally froze four Finley Burton to return to normal operation after his heart surgery complicated.

Scientists have discovered an immortal jellyfish

In tropical waters live jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula. It is not very big, only about 5 mm, but in contrast, can live indefinitely. Jellyfish usually die after propagating but Turritopsis nutricula not only died, but also to samoregenerira, thus younger. This process is called transdiferentsiatsiya and allows specialized cells to return to the stage of the stem, thus Turritopsis nutricula can regenerate itself throughout his life. With this ability she has eternal life.    Turritopsis nutricula the only immortal creature known to scientists. Until this can be found jellyfish, immortality was a myth.