Thursday, November 22, 2012

Predictions: Japan sinking mysterious Atlantis - emerge?

The blast and radiation leaked from the nuclear power plant "Fukushima 1" is the worst tragedy in Japan. There are predictions that two earthquakes ... all Japanese islands will sink in water. And due to the change in the surface crust will rise found in the area of ​​the Bermuda Triangle mysterious sunken Atlantis.

For the first time mentions the mysterious Atlantis Plato almost 2,500 years. While official science to believe Atlantis just a beautiful legend there is evidence that this was a real civilization - and - of planetary scale. This tells Alexander Voronin, President of the Russian Society of studying the problems of Atlantis.
Plato is not the only ancient author who mentions some island nations in the Atlantic. Feopomp historian who lived in the fourth century BC, tells of a huge continent, where she lived a race of giants. Marcellus geographer mentions ten island, dedicated to god. In XVII century the German A. Kircher first published map of Atlantis. Thus began the era of the demand side of the legendary Atlantis.
I still argue what was actually Atlantis - a geographic point, several distribution centers of civilization, or a certain stage in the development of intelligent life on Earth? To date, her remains lie in America, Antarctica and the Arctic, in the northwestern parts of Europe and Africa in the Bermuda Triangle, near Cuba, Bahamas, Azorskipte and the Canary Islands, near Sicily, Malta, Cyprus and Crete.
Many researchers believe that the kingdom of Atlantis has not been a single array, and a huge number of islands. Therefore, the culture of different peoples inhabiting America, Africa and Eurasia, there are many similarities. For example - identical script to the ancient Mayans and Egyptians. Inscriptions and drawings discovered in South America partly reminiscent of ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Phoenician, Greek and Cretan. In the myths and legends of almost all known civilizations mention any founders of their culture that came from the depths of the ocean or land somewhere far beyond the horizon. And that the homeland of these newcomers has experienced devastating cataclysm.
Especially impressive are the myths in New Zealand, where the natives have preserved the tradition of the people of the gods - pakahakeha. These people lived in the sea and were white. The language of the Maori "pakahakeha" means "lunopodoben" and also "skin-like in the moonlight." On one of the islands is preserved stepped pyramid terraces. Actually Maori, who arrived in New Zealand 700 years ago, never erected such facilities. Maybe this has ever lived and walked Atlanteans? ...

Cobblestone bottom
In recent years in different parts of the world - off the coast of Cuba, England, Spain, Morocco, India and Japan - were found submerged man-made stone structures whose age reaches 8,000 - 10,000 years. In May 2001 the Gulf Guanahasibibes in the western region of Cuba, the expedition led by Polina Zelitska found the remains of an underwater city which supposedly aged 6000 years. In March 2003 U.S. researchers - Litl spouses, announced the opening of a huge three-tiered stone platform 500 meters from Andros Island - Bahamas. Underwater facility stretches 450 and 45 meters in width, and rises to a height of 4.5 m from the seabed.
The platform is composed of large rectangular blocks of stone. All this has the appearance of an ancient mall adjacent ports. A platform north of them succeeded at the bottom of the sea to fix something like a port. There, the Bahamas were discovered three concentric circles reminiscent of the architectural image of Atlantis as described by Plato ever.
Ten years earlier American editions crept message that 250 miles from the Azores geologists who conducted research for the detection of oil at a depth of one kilometer, found half-destroyed temple with columns. And of course, you must remember the vast research on seamounts Ampere and Josephine in the waters of the Atlantic, which took place in 1970-1980, the then-Soviet Union. So were made hundreds of photographs that capture the manmade walls, masonry and stone vaults of some structures.
The study sample of basalt taken from the top of seamounts revealed: such rocks could have been formed 12,000 years ago, at that - only on land. So 12,000 years ago from the Azores to Giblartar stretched archipelago with some stone buildings.
Ezoteritsite believe that the culture of the Atlanteans was truly universal, planetary. And traces of their civilization that are embedded in the imperishable facilities - the pyramids. Today, well-known pyramids are not only in Egypt and Mexico, but also discovered pyramids in all parts of the world except Antarctica. In the Atlantic near Bermuda on the ocean floor found mysterious pyramids of unknown substance. But indeed, the Egyptian pyramids, as shown expeditions Fund "Third Millennium", developed over many ancient structures. In other words: the Egyptians built them over the works in which they have inherited from other civilizations.
The destruction of the civilization of Atlantis was rather in stages. The reason could be the asteroid, earthquake, resulting in one of the lithospheric plates slipped under another, referring to the depths of the ocean, islands and archipelagos .. Planetary cataclysms destroyed the network of Atlanta, and with it - and one of their power. Future generations and never failed due to fragmentation and degradation to restore the race of Atlanteans.

Remote controlled cockroach with implants

Implanted in the nervous system of the cockroach electrodes cause the insect to obey human commands by remote control. To show their art neurobiological American company Backyard Brains, a set of chips borrowed toy robot insect HEXBUG Inchworm, and several cockroaches Blaberus and Aptera fusca. The role of the participants and spectators of the experiment were students from Grand Valley University (USA). The chips that have been implanted in the cockroach, forced her to turn left or right depending on the signal from the remote, blocking natural signals coming from its natural horn antennas.    However, the system requires major reworking: unruly cockroaches execute commands on the remote only in 25% of cases. Prakticheskoto application of the technology in question also remains: developers find it difficult to say what is and what can be used. Theoretically, equipped with a camera-roach cyborg could, for example, be used to search for people in destroyed buildings, but in reality time and the work is very limited due to the small capacity batteries that can carry.

German scientists disproved Einstein and exceeded the speed of light

According to the theory of relativity Einstein's nobody and nothing can move faster than the speed of light - 300,000 km per second. Of this assertion is based on modern physics. Published once were two scientific articles refuting the theory of relativity Germans surpassed the speed of light ... According to the theory of relativity Einstein's nobody and nothing can move faster than the speed of light - 300,000 km per second. However, German scientists at the University of Koblenz denied this claim. They conducted an experiment showing that photons can travel between glass prisms spaced one meter apart, instantly. The experiment has been replicated in several independent laboratories. As one of the writers said Dr. Shtolhofen, practically proven paradox, "when you can show up at the end of the road before I started traveling." Now we have to rewrite the textbooks. And also, if the work of German physicists in the future find a practical application, we hope that people will go to the stars. Now it is considered impossible, not least because human life would not be enough, even if we want to fly to the nearest star system.   And ... Americans proved that the force of gravity on the same object can be changed Astrophysicist at Cornell University (USA), Rachel Bean, based on a study of the light that comes to us from 2 million galaxies, usamnyava in the main those of general relativity. The trajectory of light from distant stars on the way to Earth repeatedly distorted as a result of the impact of the forces of gravity. Scientists have long known about it. According to Einstein, the action of these forces are constant and unvarying at all times. However, Bean was able to show that in the period before the 8 and 11 billion years for unknown reasons, the effect of gravity was completely different. But why it happened - is unknown. And suddenly, it could happen again tomorrow. Which means that the planets in the solar system will begin to change their orbits and the Earth we will not at all comfortable.

Sensation: froze human and saved him from death

British doctors with cold back to life girl who practically no e had no chance of survival. During birth the placenta is torn. The child was born without signs of life. During the first 25 minutes the girl could not even breathe. Doctors at a hospital in Cambridge failed to recover his breath, but the situation is critical - the long-term lack of oxygen causes damage to brain cells. A time for reflection was not. Doctors were forced to do one thing - to lower the body temperature of 33 degrees to the girl. "We decided to cool the child's body to 33 degrees and a half, and you know the normal temperature, it should be 37. Then wrapped in a special blanket with which to maintain the same body temperature and store it as 72 hours "- says doctor Topun Austin. "Our goal was to reduce the temperature in the brain. It had to be below 34 degrees - explains consultant physician Vidya Garikapati. - This increases the metabolism. This helps the brain to recover quickly from injuries received. '    Under the conditions of anoxia or children do not survive, or in most cases leads to serious complications that seriously affect their lives later. But doctors did not find any problems in Ella. "It was horrible - brain damage 25 minutes lifelessness - recalls the girl's mother Rachel Klekstan. - Doctors took the child in Cambridge. I do not know what awaits us. ' Successful use of artificial hypothermia in neonates, according to experts, can be one of the greatest achievements in medicine in the last twenty years. Doctors still talk carefully to succeed. It will take several years to ensure that children do not have any complications. Behind them will be closely monitored by doctors. But the miracle has happened: little Ella is alive and well. Last summer, doctors in the UK literally froze four Finley Burton to return to normal operation after his heart surgery complicated.

Scientists have discovered an immortal jellyfish

In tropical waters live jellyfish Turritopsis nutricula. It is not very big, only about 5 mm, but in contrast, can live indefinitely. Jellyfish usually die after propagating but Turritopsis nutricula not only died, but also to samoregenerira, thus younger. This process is called transdiferentsiatsiya and allows specialized cells to return to the stage of the stem, thus Turritopsis nutricula can regenerate itself throughout his life. With this ability she has eternal life.    Turritopsis nutricula the only immortal creature known to scientists. Until this can be found jellyfish, immortality was a myth.

"Eternal" engine does not stop 60 years

This "perpetual motion machine" was designed by Romanian scientist Nicolae Vasilesko-Karp (Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen). According to some experts, the battery had to stop decades ago, but measuring the voltage carried by journalists, shows a value of 1 volt - exactly the same as in 1950. It is an energy source called "battery Karp" (Karpen's Pile), running without interruption since 1950, and it's 60 years!    The prototype consists of two primary elements that drive the engine with the key that at half engine speed circuit closes and then opens it. During the movement of the engine is carefully selected so that it is enough to galvanic cell can be fully recharged, in this changing its polarity.

Discovered parallel worlds

British scientists have received the first physical evidence of the possible existence of parallel worlds. As Itar-Tass, citing the newspaper "Daily Mail", researchers from University College London have found points of contact of our universe to other universes, which are not visible to the naked eye. Thus modern science, it seems, has received the first confirmation neteoretichni called string theory, which until now only speculative proves the existence of parallel worlds.    The new discovery was made during a study of the space distribution of the relic microwave radiation, which has remained after the Big Bang, which is said to be the origin of our universe. The radiation is not uniform. It contains special areas characterized by fever. "We are obviously confronted with space gaps formed as a result of contact with our world parallel worlds" - says Professor Stephen Finney - one of the leaders of the study. He believes that our universe - it's just a small bubble in the giant ocean by parallel worlds, having other physical characteristics.

Scientists discovered windows to previous universes

Legendary physicist Sir Roger Penrose argues that, contrary to current cosmological theory of the emergence of the universe 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang has found the first evidence of the eternal cyclical nature of the universe, says According to the Big Bang theory of everything now comprises the universe was once concentrated in the point of almost infinite density. Before singularity (the universe compressed into an infinitely dense and low point) to explode oznachava that before the universe - there was absolutely nothing. It is unclear whether it can be used particle "before" to the universe that existed before the Big Bang, because time itself may not exist. In this model, the universe was created by the Big Bang and suffered a split second rapid expansion and cooling gradually slows to a much slower expansion that is happening today and will complete the transformation of the universe in an endless extended desert area. Sir Roger Penrose, one of the most famous physicists of the last fifty years, disagrees with such developments. He recalls that the universe emerged from a state of very low entropy, ie from the beginning it was very balanced. That is what makes possible the existence of a complex material from which it is composed. He argues that the Big Bang can not explain why it's gone so evenly. According to him, this is explained by the fact that our universe - is just one of many found in the cyclic chain, which first expands and then shrinks back. What does this mean? Penrose argues that at the end of its existence, the universe will return to a state of low entropy. This is because black holes suck all matter, energy and information they encounter along the way, thus removing the entropy of the universe (where entropy goes, that's another matter). The continuing expansion of the universe will eventually become, in a desert space that will force even black holes to evaporate, which in turn will lead the universe in a very balanced state. It will be ready to collapse into a singularity and make the next big bang.    This theory certainly has its advantages, but there are no arguments .. and now. According to Penrose, he found evidence to support your ideas in the microwave cosmic background radiation that passes through the whole universe was created, as previously thought, 300,000 years after the Big Bang, which allows you to see what was in that universe long time. Penrose and his colleague Vahe Guradzyan, discovered concentric circles consisting of areas with much smaller temperature ranges than anywhere else. What does this mean? Penrose believes these circles are windows into the previous universe, spherical waves left by the gravitational force when bending the black holes in the previous universe. According to him, these environments do not fit in the current inflationary model where all the temperature changes of the background microwave radiation to be random. Here begins the most interesting. If these groups do exist and really what Penrose accepts them, it means that he is unable to refute the standard model of the universe. But to that he was still far away. The current model of the universe was adopted unanimously as the most comprehensive way explains universe. So with great skepticism cosmologists refer to studies that attempt to disprove it.

Dolphins as a parallel civilization

Dolphins are intelligent animals. New arguments in favor of this hypothesis given recent research by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania. For quite a long time, experts learn the language of dolphins and achieved startling results. It is known that acoustic signals occur in nasal passages of dolphins during the passage of air from there. It was found that animals using 60 basic signs and five levels of their combination. Dolphins are able to create a "dictionary" with a capacity of 1012 "words"! Hardly Dolphins use so many "words", but the number of their signals is impressive - about 14,000 For comparison, the same amount of volume dictionary words are human. Ordinary people use when communicating 800-1000 words. Signal the dolphin if it into human language is a kind of character, which means more than one word. The presence of dolphin language in which a complexity surpasses that of humans is sensational. Rare abilities    Nature sometimes invents amazing puzzles. And one of these puzzles are undoubtedly dolphins. Despite the fact that they often live in front of people, we know very little about them. But even what little is known about these animals is amazing. Dolphins are really amazing abilities. And it's so incredible that American John Lilly, who has studied the brain at the University of Pennsylvania, called the dolphins' parallel civilization. " First, the great surprise of researchers produce size and structure of the dolphin brain. Researchers from the University of Pennsylvania examined the animal with MRI and saw that the structure of the nervous system of dolphins is so perfect that it sometimes seems as if it is better developed than in humans. "The brain of the dolphin - said Professor barked Sai - weighs 1,700 grams, 350 grams more than the brain of an adult male. Dolphin brain complexity is not inferior to the human brain. The total number of nerve cells in the brain of the dolphin is larger than in humans. Previously, scientists believed that the dolphin brain is so large because nerve cells are not as dense as in humans. However, it turned out that there was no difference in density. It is true that the dolphin brain is more like a sphere, unlike the brain of Homo sapiens, which is slightly flattened. When dolphins are associative areas of the cerebral cortex, which are identical to human. "This indirectly suggests that dolphins may be reasonable" - say specialists in Marine Biology. Biologists who conducted experiments with dolphins were surprised to notice that often marine life began to control the course of the experiment and its organizers - the creative energy of the dolphins was passed, and they offer the experimentalists to complicate and modify tasks in which scientists suddenly noticed that they themselves have become an experimental model for the Dolphins, who tried to razamenyat roles with them. So who is studying whom?

Who lived on earth before us?

One of my favorite ideas of science fiction writers is that they believe our civilization on Earth - not the first and probably not the last. I first spoke about the creation of the atomic bomb, when humanity has the opportunity several times to destroy all life on the planet. However, this theory has opponents who argue that since there is no evidence of previous advanced civilization, then there was one. However, against this argument can argue as in different parts of the world from time to time miners discovered some rusty parts that have lain buried for at least a few million years. However, these artifacts no one has taken into account, since, according to scientists from advanced civilizations should remain a significant traces. And this thing just is not visible.    But recently a team of researchers from Harvard University failed to answer how the Earth will look like in case of a world war or disaster that could lead to the extinction of Homo sapiens. Using a computer simulation, taking into account all known to modern science, environmental influences on different materials, they found that within 50 years the cities and mega-cities will remain only ruins. After ten thousand years they will become dust. All synthetic materials - concrete, metal or plastic eventually break down and after about two million years there will be no sign of that at one time the earth was people. This work, of course, does not prove the existence of "inhuman" civilizations, but according to the study, if they really are missing a few million years, we can no longer find any trace of them. At the same time, if prachovechestvoto at the time of its destruction was able to fly into space and visit at least moon, then all of it artefacts would remain intact, as our natural satellite is devoid of atmosphere, and therefore of aggressive environment. It turns out that there how and where to look.

UFO frequent invasions. Why?

One of the most interesting areas in paranauchnite knowledge - ufology recently collected more and more material for study. Those who are not particularly interested in ufology believe that unidentified flying objects can occur anywhere, at any time, but it is not. Experts in this area have shown a pattern in the appearance of UFOs. First, it should be recognized that the UFO appears usually near Earth flying objects. Namely, the place where he had just flown a plane or near airports. The second important point is that the appearance of UFOs often portends global events soon to happen in the world. Particular attention was paid to the few UFO crashes to the ground in various cities around the world. Remember particularly striking events that took place. 1945 was marked by a number of adverse events, among them the most fearsome is the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. There is credible information that at some distance from the U.S. bomber that carried the bombs flew UFO that remains in the air over the city for several days. Similar situations have been observed with several other military events characteristic of the first and second world wars. No less a case of collision with extraterrestrial intelligence is seen in the U.S. state of North Dakota, where UFO appears over the U.S. missile base. Also there is such a thing over the American air bases: Williams, Loring, Vurtsmit etc. In 1956 the sensational appearance of aliens was over French Orly airport, where a UFO was recorded and documented. But what happened long ago can still be questioned. However, now the sky above the city is restless. From time to time, contain information about the appearance of UFOs in many countries. Here is a summary of the latest news about UFOs this month. Over Manhattan on the night of October 13 appeared strange objects. Eyewitnesses describe them as "glowing orbs". Interestingly, space radar, they are not found, or the military does not say.    This year becomes more frequent appearance of UFOs over New York. Skeptics are increasingly looking for an explanation of such incidents in natural phenomena, but not everything can be explained in this way. This summer has been to China many "fruitful" from the UFO. In June I had to block Chinese airports around ten times, due to the fact that the sky was an unidentified flying object. The last time this event has been observed in China for less than a month. On July 27, 2010 several unidentified flying objects fly around the International Space Station and astronauts observed and captured them. There are many predictions that soon the appearances of UFOs will become more as foreigners trying to warn us of impending global catastrophe. If we take into account the evidence of all witnesses and let something like this, the question arises: What purpose have the aliens? What do they want to achieve? In this case, to analyze the fact that they appear over military bases, it is reasonable to fear that foreigners appreciate our level of protection and power on earth technical and military installations. Such an assessment may be needed if the ambassadors of extraterrestrial civilizations are preparing to invade Earth. On the other hand, we can not do anything, we can only wait for the unknown. We analyze, we assume, but no accurate data. Maybe if mobilize all intellectual forces will solve the mystery of aliens, but as long as half of the population are suspicious to what has long been proven and a blind eye to the actual interventions of foreigners in our lives - we can not deal with.

A cross between a man and a monkey will appear shortly

After trying to create an artificially being scientists prepare infamous experiment cross between Homo sapiens and chimpanzees. In solid journal Nature Reviews Genetics recently raised a very disturbing question: can genetically change monkeys by putting them in human genes? - Technically possible today - no doubt one of the authors of the material, the professor of the Center for Bioethics and Humanities at the University of Colorado (USA), Jacqueline Glover.    - I completely decoded human genome and that of chimpanzees. We are now sequenced the genome of gorillas, orangutans, Bonobo, baboon, marmoset and lemurs. Soon we will learn from what has been "built" Neanderthal. This database allows to monitor changes in the evolutionary line of apes and separate specific to human genes. Here, researchers can begin the most interesting. If these uniquely human "building blocks of life" get in touch with the genes of our furry relatives may get a genetic hybrid "ape-man". Certainly not for pleasure. - We will have a practical way to learn what role in the formation of human qualities play one or another gene - explains Professor Glover. - This could raise a monkey, by introducing into the genome and human genes. Then examine what changes in your body and will happen. Thus it will be possible to understand the role of all unique human genes, and finally to understand what makes us human.

Fantasy? Man can breathe underwater

Can you breathe underwater? Not without the use of air bubbles. It turns out that is not true, because scientists, in collaboration with the Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts say the depth of 500-700 meters each one can become a Ihtiandar * without the aid of diving! He can live under water like a fish almost anywhere. The only important requirement is ... to fill his lungs with water. At a depth of five hundred, seven hundred meters person will probably be able to obtain oxygen directly from the water. It seems unlikely, right? Not a transmitter thousands of people each year? Can water to replace the air? Scientists conducted jointly amazing experience. Filled with a transparent water tank, add a little salt. Then tightly closed container and start stoking it oxygen under pressure. Then, in the middle (-gate) camera placed in the tank white mouse. She can not swim because it is hermetically sealed in the tank ...    Passing hour, two, three. Mouse strange as it seems to breathe. Yes, it breathe underwater! And shows no signs of anxiety. In the case of rodent lungs begin to act like the gills of fish and pull oxygen from the water. Of course, for any decompression illness can not speak - because no nitrogen in the water. So the first step towards the settlement of people in the water is made. Whether nastpva era water world? * Ihtiandar is (by city:????, Ikhthu - fish?????, Andro - person) fictional character, able to live under water, the protagonist in the science fiction novel "The Amphibian Man" by the Russian writer Alexander Belyaev [1] and in the movie made from the book.

Time stops after 3 billion years

Group of physicists from the U.S. and Japan claim that according to their calculations, there is a 50% chance that the time to stop in the next 3.7 billion years. Other theorists are extremely skeptical about this. Universe occurs before about 13 billion years after the Big Bang, and since then constantly expanding. Furthermore, data from the observed amount of space suggest that this expansion is accelerating. It follows that the universe expands forever. Busso Rafael (Raphael Bousso) by the Center for Theoretical Physics, University of California at Berkeley and his colleagues rebelled against this idea. In an article published in the electronic library of Cornell University, they argue that an infinitely expanding universe can not exist, since the laws of physics do not work in infinite space. In order for these laws to have any meaning, the universe should be limited and they calculated the most probable date when the end will come in. "Continuous expansion of the Universe has several important implications. Each event in it, which has non-zero probability happens an infinite number of times "- scientists say. But if there is an infinite number of each possible observation, it becomes impossible to determine the probability of any event. In this situation, the laws of physics simply can not be applied.    The only way out of this conundrum, say the authors of this article is to suggest some kind of catastrophe that will end the universe. Then all probabilities again become meaningful and the laws of physics will work. "The time is unlikely to stop in at our age, but there is a 50% probability, the time to stop in the next 3.7 billion years" - the researchers wrote. This means that the end of time will come during the lifetime of the Sun and Earth. Along with this Bussoz said that although it is not known what kind of disaster will lead to the end of time, mankind can not see anything when this happens. In other words, people will fly into this catastrophe at full speed before you have time to see the least part of its impact.

Gate of the Gods, another mystery in archeology

A mysterious structure of enormous size was found in Mark Howe, mountainous region in southern Peru, located 35 km from the city of Puno. For local Indians this city is known as the "City of Gods" and not fully investigated because of its inaccessibility. On the air in this region have been observed many ruined buildings and structures. Door 'Puerta de Hayu Marca' (the city gates of the gods / soul) was found in one of the rock ridge with a height of 2 meters and 7 meters wide, with a small hole that looks like a lock in the center of the door. This door is opened by Jose Luis Delgado Mamani-guide who accompanies tourists to the nearby ruins and trails. "Once I found the door, she did not once I dreamed. In my dreams I returned again and again to this place and looked at the door. It bee slightly open and therefore it came out a light emerald ": Jose said in an interview with the local press. After opening the door in 1996 in this area were carried out archaeological excavations. According to the epic of the Incas, this area is "of God", but according to legend, the great heroes fallen upon God, passing through gates that were at the end of the path. Which is curious, according to legend, the Inca, not all remain forever in those gates. Some of the characters returning from the "land of the gods", gaining incredible strength and knowledge.    Another legend tells of Spanish conquistadors, who once arrived in Peru began to rob Peruvian cities. One of the priests of the Incas, whose name was Aram Marie had a disc that was among the Incas as "the key of the gods of the seven valleys." Once the priest took that drive gathered survivors clash with Spanish villagers and with them disappeared in the "Valley of Gods". Over these people have appeared. Archaeologists who examined the door and found a round hole in it, which was probably intended for "Golden Disk". Some people who have visited this door say by placing a hand on it, they feel a tricity coming from behind the rocks. In 1997, the "Gateway to the City of Gods" visiting U.S. ekstrasenz Tony Silva. He said he felt an incredible surge of energy near the door right in front of his eyes reveals stars and the pillars of fire that hit the ground. This vision was accompanied by unusual music, like shamanic drums. Mysterious' Gateway of the Sun "is spomenva and Maya, and, most interestingly, a similar pattern to those doors Nazca plateau. In recent years over the place, people are often seen UFO spheres of different sizes and colors, often hanging over the valley. Believed by the Peruvians, once those doors will open and the gods will return to its solar boats. Sounds very symbolic, right?

Coffee helps manipulations on people

After the use of caffeine, a person can easily be manipulated, say Australian researchers from the Medical University of Queensland (Australia). Scientists conducted an experiment in which 140 volunteers participate. All participants were required to express their views on abortion.    Then half of the respondents were asked to drink several cups of coffee. These same participants as drank coffee, eagerly adopted several counterarguments that were inconsistent with their own point of view.

Hawking: "God did not create the universe"

Modern physics leaves no place in to God design of the universe, said renowned scientist Stephen Hawking in his new book, The Grand Design, extracts of which were published in the journal "Eureka," wrote The Times. "The book, written in collaboration with American physicist Leonard Mlodnov Hawking debunks the idea of Isaac Newton that the universe mogzhe arise from chaos only by the laws of nature, but must be created by God," wrote Hannah Devlin. Big Bang, according to Hawking's claim is the inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, not a unique event that is the result of divine providence, or an incredible coincidence.      "Just as there is a law of gravity, the universe can and will create from scratch. Spontaneously arise-this is why there is something rather than nothing, and the universe exists because we exist "- he wrote in his book, which will be released on September 9.

Hawking sees God, just as Einstein

Notice that the famous physicist Stephen Hawking in his new book says that God created the universe, is a sensation as it is presented in the media, says the editor of the popular magazine New Scientist Roger Hayfild. A large number of British newspapers and broadcasters commented loudly that God does not exist. This statement, as saying relevant news contained in the new book "Great idea" of the famous British physicist Stephen Hawking, "written in collaboration with the American scholar Leonard Mlodnov. The book, which will be published on September 9, Hocking rejects Isaac Newton that the universe could not vazniknae of chaos. According to him, the Big Bang, which occurs after the universe is the result of physical laws, not unique accident occurred due to the fantastic circumstances. Virtually all messages containing the assertion that Hawking has changed his point of view, because in the book "A Brief History of Time" he allowed the role of God in the creation of all things. "If you open the universal theory, it will be an absolute triumph of the human mind - because in this case, we will know what is the mind of God" - says the scientist.    But in reality, the position of Hawking on the existence of God does not change, says the editor of the popular British magazine New Scientist Roger Hayfild. "Hawking has always considered God in a figurative sense, basically the same as Albert Einstein - Hayfild said. - "God does not play dice with the universe" - witty said Einstein, who also said, "I want to know how God created the world." But these words do not mean that Einstein was religious. He notes that "the idea of ​​a personal God - this is an anthropological concept which I can not take it seriously." When asked about whether he believed in God, Einstein replied: "I believe in Spinoza's God who is expressed in the system harmony of what exists, not in a God who cares about the fate and human activities. " "In 2001, when I interviewed Hawking, he made further comments, stressing that no religious - still Hayfild. - If you believe in science like me, you believe that there are some laws that are always running. If you want, you can say that these laws are the work of God, but that would be a definition of what God is, but no evidence of its existence. ' Hayfild. reported that in his new book Hawking book describes "M-theory, which is likely to answer questions about the creation of the universe. "In accordance with the" M-theory ", our universe is only one. M-theory predicts that many worlds are created out of nothing. Their creation does not require the intervention of supernatural beings or God "- quoted Hayfild Hawking's new book.

Beautiful women are boring in bed?

Men prefer attractive women because they are more fun in bed. A survey by beautiful women are boring and mediocre in the bedroom. Charming women have only one trump card - a nice look, think the stronger sex, participated in the survey. Boys take attractive women for uninteresting because experience shows that they have no sense of humor and can not maintain a conversation passed Thursday. Alas, the combination of a beautiful face and body, mind and talent there, say representatives of the strong half of humanity. In their observations of women with nice looks like self-promotion, and pay no attention to the interlocutor during conversation. And during sex ...

Sex during the holidays is a unique

Sex during the holidays is very nice and the boot, a new study shows. No doubt the sex lives on leave for the holidays is hot. To reach this conclusion, researchers interviewed representatives of both genders who identified three reasons for this. First during the holidays couples often go on vacation. Any change in the daily routine - the place, the people, the interior - predispose to experiment in bed. Second, the romantic journey reduces stress and fatigue of the day. You do not have to go home to cook and wash dishes, passed Thursday. Holidays are over, which increases the possibility to enjoy a good sex partner. And thirdly mood that has vselilo with you during the holidays, surely play a role in improving sexual life.

What is the key to the long life

Loving family relationships and complete pet nearby, it appears that the key to lasting happiness, this U.S. study finds. 72-year research program in which 268 men were seen by their youth to old age, concluded that a successful marriage and close relationships are the key to a happy life. The relationship between friends and family is more important than all the benefits inherited at birth by wealth or class, says the study. Scientists who began the program in 1940 found that loving family and wife is "more important than the possession of trust or affinity in a direct line to a member of the House of Lords." Head of research scientists from Harvard Medical School, George Vaillant said the results men have a wonderful relationship, have a longer life expectancy. "The discovery of happiness is that happiness is the wrong word. Correct words for happiness are emotional intelligence, relationships, happiness and sustainability. Happiness is very close to hedonism and luck," said Vaillant. He noted that only four of 31 single men in the study were still alive today compared to over a third of men with good connections. The study involved young, white, healthy men, sophomore in college. It began in 1940 and continues today.

Mice will look for explosives and drugs at airports

Israeli company has ambitions to revolutionize the detection of explosives and drugs at airports due to unusual secret agents - mice AFP. "Mice can be trained to sniff out drugs and money," says founder Eran BioEksplorars Lumbrozo. "Mice are much more developed sense of smell by police dogs," he said. The discovery of explosives hidden in a passenger mechanism is simple. Suspicious passenger enters the cab and against him for short run air stream which is then forwarded in a box with walls of opaque glass that sits in the cab. There is a "post" eight mice. If they smell the odor in the flow of suspicious substances whose detection are trained mice "blow the whistle" by pouring in the litter box in the room, said Monday. Otherwise, the passenger can leave the cab after eight seconds. Each cabin can be equipped with up to three boxes in which "work" teams of eight mice. They change after four hours of work. "Mice are better fed and their living conditions are even better than those of laboratory rodents," said the owner of the company that developed the method. He recalls that his rats were trained to detect explosives and drugs two months and then start work for 18 months. In December 2010 BioEksplorars cab was installed at a shopping mall in Tel Aviv and was made an experiment with 1200 visitors. The company hid drugs in twenty of those participants in the test mice and unerringly found her, said Eran Lumbrozo.

Coffee in the morning make us happier

Caffeine helps people see the positive side of things, German scientists have found. A team of researchers from Ruhr University conducted an experiment with 66 volunteers who were asked to choose positive words and phrases all the words and phrases that appeared on the screen in front of them. Half an hour before the test, half of the participants drank two cups of caffeinated beverages. Researchers found that people who drank coffee in the morning with 7% precision in the choice of words that have a positive emotional tone, said Friday. In addition, German researchers found that caffeine exacerbates reaction speeds. Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning makes you more relevant, more thoughtful and able to solve simple tasks. "Caffeine stimulates parts of the brain responsible for positive emotions," researchers also summarized.

Emma Stone is the best-dressed woman in the U.S.

Emma Stone is the best-dressed woman in America, ranking states of the U.S. fashion bible Vogue. 24-year-old actress beat her colleagues Rooney Mara and Leelee Sobieski. Zoe Saldana remained in fourth place, followed by American heiress Lauren Santo Domingo. Sixth place was singer and actress Solange Knowles, and the seventh - the star of the series "Twilight" Kristen Stewart. Tens complement lesser known names - blogger Lily Wong, Kimberly Chandler and women player model Driel Hemingway stated Friday. Emma Stone, currently has a relationship with actor Andrew Garfield, won the award for InStyle magazine's best-dressed woman of 2012.

Married men watching twice as much porn

On average, men watching adult movies about 40 minutes three times a week, and married men do twice as often, studies show. Men are standing criticism of the fair sex that regularly afford to watch movies with inappropriate content. But in reality they are scientifically justified because according to research porn is healthy for the long term libido. But rather than make the half, the experts offer women simply join the occupation of men and at least watch them something "indecent" passed Thursday. This will reduce the thirst of male to contemplate foreign women and improve the atmosphere in sexual terms. For women, it is enough to watch 20 minutes to be inspired by erotic images and diversify the life of their husbands.

Rowan Atkinson will say goodbye to Mr. Bean

The popular image of British comedy Mr. Bean, cease to exist. Contractor role, actor Rowan Atkinson has decided to part with it and switched to dramatic characters, writes the newspaper "Telegraph". In an interview with the newspaper, he said that if his old actor continues to play "childish roles", it would look very sad. "This whole story (sequel Mr. Bean) brought me a huge commercial success, but it is childish and requires great physical activity. I think the less I play Mr. Bean" Atkinson added. Rowan Atkinson acknowledged that fewer people likes to refer to him only by his most famous character, added Thursday. Now Rowan Atkinson intends to focus on dramatic roles in London's West End neighborhood popular with many dramatic and musical theaters of London.

Who are more likely to have sex on the first date

Women are more likely to have sex on a first date, show data from the shocking new study that both sexes begin to exchange roles in many respects. Contrary to previous beliefs that the male is more insistent on intimacy on the first date, the study shows that women now have nothing against that. Meanwhile, 50% of men admit that they could have a relationship with a woman who had no mind to take off after the first dinner, passed Thursday. Only 39 percent of women said they would refuse the man who made ​​them so erotic suggestion soon. Pretty disgusting is also your partner to appear at a meeting in scruffy and unkempt appearance. And the most popular features in today's world are honesty, humor and honesty also shows the survey conducted by the American dating site.

In China, rising highest skyscraper in the world

In China's planned lifting of the tallest building in the world - 838 meters, and then only for 90 days. It should be ready by the end of March, said the publication "Gizmodo". The skyscraper in the city of Changsha is named Heavenly City. It will be erected on the banks of the River Syantszyan. Every day will be lifted on five floors of it. The project was developed by some of the engineers involved in the construction of a 829 foot tower Burj Khalifa in Dubai, which is currently the tallest building in the world. Major role in the construction and the company will have Broad Sustainable Building, to build 30-storey hotel in just 15 days. About 220 000 tonnes of steel will be consumed by the "Heavenly City". When completed, this gigantic building could accommodate 31,400 people. 83 percent of the building will be residential areas, and the rest will be offices, schools, hospitals, shops and restaurants. A total of 104 high-speed elevators will take care of seamless transportation of people in the tower, said Friday. And other than "Heavenly City" beat Tower in Dubai - construction company, said that the construction of the giant steel will cost about $ 1,500 per square meter, while Burj Khalifa swallowed a 15,000 square. Chinese skyscraper is designed to withstand earthquake of 9 degrees on the Richter scale.

Couples who look alike are attracted to?

Color of eyes, hair, and why not dimples facial ... It turns out that men are attracted to strong women who resemble them in appearance, according to a study of French scientists, AFP. Whether this attraction can come stable relationship, here science is silent. Scientists from Montpellier decided to pay attention to the woman's features that are not essential to the genetic selection, such as eye color, thick lips or eyebrows. They tried to explore two theories, the first of which - the so-called. homogamiya. This means that, as in many species, some individuals are attracted to partners who are genetically similar to them, ie they resemble. Another theory is called for. "Uncertainty of paternity." A man tends to prefer female recessive traits - blue eyes, thin lips. These are recessive traits to brown eyes and thick lips. This allows the child to recognize their own genetic characteristics passed Thursday. Having these two theories scientists have done experiments we asked 100 men to choose between these different images of the most attractive women on them. The results were that men prefer to choose women who are similar in their characteristics. Been made and another analysis - of real couples with children. It also proved that the spouses have more similarities than two randomly selected individuals. From the experiments and analyzes made nothing serious has supported the theory of "the uncertainty of paternity."

Three months in prison for sex in taxi in Dubai

British and Irish accused of sexual activities in Dubai taxi, were sentenced to three months imprisonment and deportation after Reuters, citing their lawyer. This is another case in which Westerners face of decency laws in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), shedding light on cultural differences. The country is trying to balance between maintaining their Muslim identity and the burgeoning tourist industry. Rebecca Blake and Connor Makredmand rejected charges of "indecent behavior" and of committing "obscene act in taxi" when faced court last month. Are acknowledged to be "guilty" on the third charge related to the consumption of alcohol in public. Their lawyer said they would appeal, submitted Monday. In recent years there have been several cases of Westerners accused of violating decency laws in Dubai - the most cosmopolitan of the seven emirates of the UAE satava.

And the Pope said: Star of Bethlehem was a supernova

The Star of Bethlehem was not a miracle, but ordinary supernova, but Mary, even after birth, remained chaste "- these are the findings of El Mundo of the new book by Pope Benedict XVI" Childhood of Christ. " This is the third work of Pope recalls journalist Irene Velasco. Benedict XVI breaks conceptions of the circumstances of the birth of Christ. "In the manger where the baby Jesus was born, it was neither an ox nor a donkey and shepherds are greeted him with a song in his appearance on the world. Even if it is not clear exactly where Jesus was born - in a cave in Bethlehem and in Nazareth still "- the article says. Benedict XVI is known as a sophisticated theologian and an ardent supporter of the idea that faith is compatible with dispassionate reasoning, the author notes. Virginity of Mary - is one of the basic tenets of Catholicism reminds newspaper. Benedict XVI in his book, "Why chastity of the Virgin Mary - it is a historical fact or legend, which is expressed in its own way and interpret the mystery of Christ?" 'Is it true that Jesus Christ is the only son of God, he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary "- asks the Pope. And answered: "The answer is clear - yes, it's true." Birth of Mary Immaculate and resurrection of Christ - not "irrational and contradictory" phenomena, and proof of the power of God: "If God has no power over matter, he is not God."

How I endured 17 minutes without air

In this personal confession from TEDMED, magician and stuntman David Blaine describes what it's costing to withstand 17 minutes under water without breath - a world record - and what it means to work, because that often jeopardize your life .

Naked man fell through the roof of a church

Cherkovnitsi witnessed a clear sign from God when a naked man landed in the roof of the church. "Providence" divine surprise worshipers last Sunday (November 18) reported Hickory Daily Record. Fallen "Angel" proved 46-year-old James Kimri. In the fall, the question landed in the toilet of the church, as already That said - without any clothes. Later it turned out that Kimri was excommunicated from the church the day before the incident and wanted to spend the night in the territories of the divine abode. But he was welcomed by church officials. According to the police report Kimri James returned a few hours later and climbed a ladder outside the church. Investigating the case believe Kimri clothes off because there was no way to squeeze through the space between the ventilation and the overall structure of the church. The weight of James Kimri however proved too much for the ventilation system and he fell to the ground from about 4 feet. Charges for desecrating church man are burglary and indecent behavior.

Worst song of all time blew net

Today Americans celebrate one of their most cherished holidays - Thanksgiving. On this occasion, 12-year amerikanche decided to write a special thanksgiving song entitled "It's Thanksgiving". Little Nicole Westbrook got his song on Youtube and it immediately became a hit, but not for good, wrote Monday. The song is sort of 12 th place in the ranking of the most watched clips in a video network. Ten million people listened implementation of Nicole, but she did not only bring a positive reputation. According to the American ABC television performance of Nicole is the worst song of all time. Do you agree?

Where to hide from the end of the world?

It is expected that the area around Mount Bugarash in southern France to bursting at the seams with the influx of people seeking refuge from the Apocalypse, which many believe is coming on December 21, 2012 - last day of the Mayan calendar. Some believe that Mount Bugarash, whose foot is the village is the only place where people can find salvation at the end of the world. A crazy theory states that the last day of existence of the world top will open and there will come aliens in flying saucers will save people around. For this reason, local authorities announced they would cut off access to the top for one week in December to avoid problems. They want to prevent confusion and to stop the influx of fanatical spectators and journalists are expected. On site you will be sent 100 police officers and firefighters who will oversee and control access to the top and the eponymous village at its foot.

Rats - mutants were found in Britain

Rats - mutants found in the counties of Berkshire and Hampshire, are insensitive to most poisons and diseases. Externally they look like ordinary wild rats, but have a gene that makes animals highly resistant to poisons and deadly diseases such as rats are carriers of these diseases. Sets you a new epidemic of the plague? That's what I feared British doctors. Dr. Alan Buckley from the University of Reading, who led the study in rats of the city Henley said the body of one of them found a bunch of dangerous infections, including the agent of leptospirosis - a very dangerous acute infection. Affects the kidneys, skeletal muscle, liver, causing bleeding into the pleura, stomach, intestines.    The Ministry of Health believes that it is necessary to develop new deadly poisons these rats, but a group of environmentalists protesting, considering that so will only worsen the situation and harm many animals used for food in rats and mice. - The more deadly poisons are invented, the rats become resistant and that can lead to even more tragic consequences, says Jeff Knot of the British Society for Nature Conservation. In materials

Complete relaxation month before the "end of the world" 2012

Businesses based on etc. Mayan prophecy of the end of the world 21:12. 2012, was a fiasco, says Gianluca Nicoletti newspaper La Stampa.
"Why one month before the end of the world, we are so calm? Only a year earlier universal affliction was enveloped humanity as a dark veil. Buying havoc on most ruthless works for the approaching apocalypse. Media, film and books we provided a detailed picture of the predictions and scenarios that will be carried out after December 21, at least for a short period of time while we are alive, "- said the reporter.
"Someone started to indicate any unexpected matches during the tsunami, floods and earthquakes - which seems indicate the final catastrophe. Other early as January began to notice that the seasons are no longer the same - yes, in the air, something haunting. But now, just 30 days before the announced end, what these predictors? Some say that the Apocalypse has been postponed for a few months, others argue that the 2012 end of the world will be, but the asteroid Apophis, "Destroyer" could hit Earth in 2036 "- says the author.

"There are, only a few preparations for the end of the world - continues journalist - French for not not be prepared for tourists, decided to close the public on December 21 Bugarash peak in the Pyrenees - believes that this will be one of the few places land that will be affected during the Apocalypse. '

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Face shot streamers (video)

According to ufologists, this is a projection of the face of an alien.

The daughter of Jon Bon Jovi is drugged

Daughter of Jon Bon Jovi swallowed heroin overdose. 19-year-old Stephanie was hospitalized. The incident took place at the dorm in college in upstate New York, reported AP. Kirkland Police announced that an ambulance was sent to Hamilton College in Clinton, after it became clear that the girl seems to have swallowed an overdose of heroin. The police added that Stephanie Bon Jovi recovering in hospital, whose name was kept secret. Stephanie and 21-year-old Ian Grant were charged with drug possession. They will need it later to appear in court, added Monday.

Beyonce makeup off and it's so beautiful

There are many celebrities who constantly showering his fans on social networking sites with personal staff. The pictures show almost every step and every bite into the lives of these people, but we think we have no idea what they look like most of the famous beauty without makeup. They prefer to "samosnimat" with heavy makeup and just made ​​hairstyles special for their faces in the mirror. And finally, do not show their true faces. Among such people stand Beyonce. She somehow managed to largely preserve the privacy of the family away from the lens. Very rarely lets us peek into her private world. But when you do decide to do it, really present in its true light. And true beauty. Evidence of this is shown in the top image of the material that talented singer said of her summer in France. Beyonce recently delighted fans with personal footage from her childhood.

Justin Bieber seeks the friendship of his ex

Although their relationship did not last for more than a year, apparently Justin Bieber holds his ex-girlfriend Selena Gomez now and does not want to interrupt their relationship. Gomez and Bieber split recently, but apparently tiynzvezdata not think there is anything bad to occur. Bieber even taken the first step towards eventual reconciliation with Selena, and invited her to dinner, wrote The reason for the strained relations between the two were pictures leaked online, which is the youngest artist in intimate postures snap a lingerie model Barbara Palavin. Apparently Justin has realized that this abusive ex-girlfriend and that is why it is suggested to meet for dinner at a Chinese restaurant in California. "Reconciliation", but did not take place because, according to eyewitnesses Gomez gone mad about 10 minutes into the match. Bieber does not to be outdone, as soon as I got home, posted on its Twitter post that read: "Things are not always easy and simple. Sometimes there is a lot of tension and misunderstanding. Trying to cope the situation, but sometimes it does not depend on me. "

The new "Twilight" is a witty and entertaining?

The films in the series "Twilight" have as many fans and admirers, and many buffs who would do anything just to not be forced to watch them. Well, according to one such "hater" it appears that the new film in the series The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is not "too bad." And just the opposite. According to Collins Clarke film is the real deal for fans of the vampire saga. He writes for the site popwatch.ew, that: "Even inveterate hater like me has to admit that The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 is not such a bad movie. Watching it I witnessed the images that radiate warmth and wit, and at times I even had fun. Even characters who generally annoy me a lot, have evolved so I'm like, are not as homogenous and boring. I am pleasantly surprised. " If you're the type of hater 'Twilight', this post is unlikely to change your attitude, but it can be worth a go and see the latest movie from the famous vampire saga. Curiosity Since that Mr. Collins is right .

Kate Moss had a tattoo for millions

Kate Moss has revealed that a tattoo on the lower back cost her millions because it is made by Lucien Freud, who is no longer among the living, reported Contactmusic, quoted by BTA. 38-year-old Moss sure that tattooed two birds are the work of Lucien Freud and probably cost a fortune. "He told me about the time he was in the Navy and a tattoo of the sailors said to the supermodel magazine Vanity Fair. I said, "This is amazing," and he replied: "I can do a tattoo. Tattoo What would you like to?" I told him that I like birds, and he explained that tattooed birds and offered to make me a tattoo depicting an upside down chicken in a bucket, but the idea appealed to me. Then Lucien propose a tattoo depicting myself.
I said "I will not wear a tattoo on girl buttocks" and again disagreed. In the end we decided to tattoo depicts a flock of birds. In fact, this is an original painting by Lucien Freud. I wonder how many would be willing to pay a collector for it. Several million? "Moss get closer to the famous artist when he painted nude while she was pregnant with her daughter Lila Grace in 2002

Justin Bieber's favorite boy of America ... and Mom

Justin Bieber triumphs held at Los Angeles 40th ceremony of the American Music Awards, winning three awards, including the biggest prize for artist of the year. Canadian teen idol was awarded in the categories of Best Pop / Rock Artist and Best Pop / Rock Album for "Believe". On the show Bieber, who recently split with his girlfriend Selena Gomez, was accompanied by his mother Patty Mallet. She went with him to the stage for awarding the top prize for Artist of the Year. "I wanted to thank you for always believing in me," said 18-year-old singer. For Bieber prize fight Rihanna, Maroon 5, Katy Perry and Drake. Justin Bieber won the award for Artist of the Year in 2010, says agency said on Monday. The show was a triumph not only for Canada, but for all his "musical family" after his mentor Usher and his other protégé - Carly Rae Dzhepsan also won awards. Usher won the prize for best soul / rhythm and blues singer and Dzhepsan fight hugely successful boy band 'One dayrekshan "award for a debut. Rap Nicki wild Minazh repeat last year's success, winning awards for Best Performer of the rap / hip-hop and best rap / hip-hop album for "Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded". Bieber Minazh and delighted audiences with his performances, both together and separately. Most vividly, however, was the performance of South Korean rapper Sai, who came on stage with MC Hammer. They sang and danced to the hit song "Gangnam Style" and the South Korean hit "Too Legit to Quit" to MC Hammer. PSY previously was announced as the winner of one of the American Music Awards. The singer, who just a few months became a worldwide sensation with its hit song "Gangnam Style", was awarded the title of "New Media". Taylor Swift for the fifth consecutive year, won best country artist. "This is unreal. Want to thank the fans. You people voted and decided that to happen," said Swift. The award for best country artist was awarded to Luke Bryan. In the category for best country duo or group award winning 'Lady Antebelam. " Award for Country Album Carrie Underwood received a "Blown Away". Best singer of the pop / rock was named Katy Perry, and with the award for Best Rock Duo or Group Maroon 5 were awarded. In the category of soul / R & B award for best singer Beyonce took, and the prize for best soul / rhythm and blues album was given to Rihanna for "Talk That Talk". DJ David Geta won first prize in the history of the award for electronic dance music. "Linkin Park" received the award for alternative rock, Adele - a modern artist and Shakira - Latin artist. The show with their performances than Justin Bieber, Nicki Minazh, Sai and MC Hammer, Usher is also presented, which launched the show, Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson, Carly Rae Dzhepsan, Cache, "No Doubt" Christina Aguilera, Pink. The ceremony was honored founder of the American Music Awards - the late Dick Clark. His longtime friend Stevie Wonder perform medley of their hits on the screen behind him changed pictures of Clark. American Music Awards are among the most-watched annual music awards in the U.S.. Nominees are determined by record sales of their radiation in the air, while the winners of the awards are chosen by a vote from the audience. American Music Awards were established 40 years ago as an alternative to the prestigious "Grammy."

'Hobbit' kill 27 animals and caused a scandal

Animal advocates will protest the premiere of "The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey" out on November 28 in Wellington, forward Asoshisheyted press said on Wednesday. Resentment of environmentalists caused the death of 27 animals in the production. True e, that they were killed on the set, but lost their lives while they were staying at a farm near Wellington under extremely poor conditions. And some of the deaths were caused by natural causes. Production spokesman Matt Davitski stated that the death of two horses could have been avoided by the team and the people are taken care of farm conditions to be improved after the fatal accident. But cowboys who supervised the horses, said they had long warned producers that farm, which were placed about 150 animals in the trilogy, was highly inappropriate, even life-threatening. They repeatedly voiced his concerns to his superiors and the organizers of the film "Warner Bros.," but no one paid attention. Facility and now is used in almost unchanged. One of the cowboys buried three horses, six goats, six sheep and dozens of chickens. Two other horses suffered serious injuries, but could not be saved.

Black Sabbath - the most influential of the British rock scene

Group Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath was voted the most influential British hard rock band of all time. This study shows the British Phonographic Industry (Bpi), quoted by Contact Music. The band overcame some serious competition from Iron Maiden and Led Zeppelin, receiving 45 percent of the votes in the survey, which included more than 3,600 British rock fans. On the other hand, Iron Maiden and Led Zeppelin managed to gather 20% of the vote. Following the release of the results of the band Black Sabbath made ​​a statement which explained that they flattered by the recognition, and the fact that fans have chosen them precisely in the poll. Musicians thanked her fans for their support.

And when the queen was the bride ...

Elizabeth today became the first monarch in British history to celebrate the 65th anniversary of their wedding, ITAR-TASS reported. As expected, this family Date queen and her husband, Philip the Duke of Edinburgh will celebrate together with their loved ones. This is an important point that may be unmatched in the future, observers noted. About 2,000 couples in the country this year celebrates its iron wedding that Britain is called sapphire. For the past 65 years, however, major social changes occurred and the royal record may be unachievable for generations, say British experts. "The average age for marriage in the UK is now 30 years old and over," said historian and sociologist Stephen King at the University of Leicester said on Monday. "Divorce rates increased and became more frequent from the 60s and 70s of the last century, so the chances to improve the record of the queen are diminishing." Princess Elizabeth was 13 years old when she met a prince of Greece and Denmark, Philip in 1939 At that time he was a sea cadet, and was commissioned to accompany the daughter of King George VI during a visit to the Royal Naval College in Dartmouth. Then Philip croquet tinkered with his future wife. Later, during World War II wrote his two letters. Their wedding took place on 20 November 1947 at Westminster Abbey. This year Elizabeth II celebrated a double anniversary for notes 60th anniversary of his ascension to the throne.