Wednesday, November 21, 2012

10 Things You Did not Know about yourself

Are you sure you know all curious about yourself? And did you know that we are all just as bushy as primates? And that your stomach is smarter than the brain? Unbelievable but true. Read an appeal for the top ten interesting details that most people do not know about yourself. 10. Your stomach is smarter than you think Your stomach has more neurons than most animals have in their minds. Indeed, the clustering of neurons in this part of your body is so complex and abundant, some call it a "second brain" of the human being. Your stomach is unique in that it can be quite successful "think" for itself, that you can digest without actually thinking about this process and cause him through his brain. Have you ever been nervous or irritable, with absolutely no reason? Do you feel you are unable to concentrate after a heavy meal? The answer is that your stomach is guilty because remind you to eat moderately and healthily. 9. Hairy like a chimpanzee To claim that people are hairy like chimps can be defined as false as soon as you look in the mirror (unless you suffer from hypertrichosis), but actually you're really hairy as apes. Just as chimpanzees, we have hair all over your body, but it is much smaller quantities. Per square inch of our bodies have an average of 500 hair follicles. 8. You are a biological miracle More school biology teacher explain the miracle of existence. Everyone starts out as a perfectly symmetrical ball of cells and eventually reach the state where we have front and back and left and right half. How a spherical cell ends with the formation of such complex opens the eyes, ears or nose? It should be flattened, twist and change shape much. It forms the first hole, you have - the anus. On this occasion, biologists joke that "All human beings begin as assholes, and some remains so throughout their lives." 7. Partly a virus One of the biggest surprises is that quite a large part of human DNA containing viruses. Viruses can reproduce themselves and some of them have to take DNA as the successor to duplicate. If the virus enters the sperm or egg, the next generation can carry the virus DNA in each of their cells. It has happened so often in evolution, that at least 9% of our genome is derived from viruses. 6. You can not tickle yourself ... Unless you suffer from schizophrenia. Tickling is considered a key part of human interaction, especially for children and parents. When we grow often begin to irritate if you tickle us, but many people can not overcome nervous tics and hysterical laughter that occur when someone else touches them in some way. Yet, as we all know that we can not tickle ourselves because our brain knows what to expect. For schizophrenics is not so easy to recognize the touch of his own hand. Therefore, most patients with this disease would have laughed just as hard if you tickle themselves. 5. Your body is younger than yourself You change constantly. Breathe, breathe, eat, separate substances. You agree molecules in your body and a second separate others. If you have passed the age of puberty, there is no longer even a single cell of your body that is your baby period. This leads to an interesting problem, which is still quite controversial philosophers: if any part of your body is different today, if you are the same person you were at birth? 4. Partial blindness Unfortunately, your eyes have a "factory fault": both are blind point. This area is large enough to cause a lot of problems for those who lost sight in one eye. Yet for comfort - a fact most of us we have two seeing eyes, means that blind item will not harm us. 3. You are able to count without counting When you show a set of four objects, you do not need to count how to determine their number. For such small amounts you have built instinct for number of objects. Curiously, the people of the Brazilian tribe pirates have no numbers in their language, so they are unable to count, but even they are able to understand the numbers to four. 2. Sometimes you may not have free will This is often very controversial topic: whether you're free to make your own decisions or they are influenced by forces beyond your control? We'll show you an example of research on a patient by Benjamin Libet. While viewing a patient's brain Libet told him to move his hand when he wants. Then the researcher found that the brain registers a desire to input his hand even before the man himself to know that he felt this need. Hence the assumption that people can act impulsively without deciding that. Then we just think that we did something on his own will, because we considered the effect after it happened. 1. Stripes on the body Many mammals have bands: cats, for example, have distinct lines or spots on their bodies that appear when certain cells begin to exhibit different genes. People are different, just our stripes are visible. There is a disease where you can see these signs on the body. The disease is called "Lines Blashko" and occurs when the infection is only one type of cell of the body, but does not affect neighbors.

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