Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Car that can be invented only in Japan!

University of Hiroshima, in partnership with Humanix, behind the development of an electric car with three wheels called iSAVE YOU. That is totally covered with similar materials airbags idea to protect its occupants in an accident. Looks more like a golf cart car worth 10,000 dollars. "The car will be perfect for our one furious speeds aging society. Now have a hell lot of inquiries about the car from an elderly population, as well as by disabled people", told Japanese magazine Sponichi Annex president Humanix Professor Tsumotu. In addition to protects its passengers with its external airbags iSAVE YOU actually designed to protect and pedestrians. iSAVE YOU develop a speed of 30 km / h and can be recharged in a grid of every Japanese home. We recognize that the Japanese idea certainly sounds interesting on paper, but still it's hard to imagine how external airbags to protect occupants in a collision with oncoming SUV? iSAVE YOU in action now:

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