Wednesday, November 21, 2012

New York reported 259 million dollars in revenue from same-sex marriages

Nearly 259 million dollars revenue from the New York gay marriage only one year of legalizing their informed Bloomberg. For this one year in New York are issued at least 8,200 wedding licenses for marriages between people of the same sex. This is nearly 10% of all 75 thousand marriage in the state during the same period. The data are taken from official research department "Marketing and Tourism" to the American city. New York is the sixth U.S. state that is accepted as legitimate to conclude marriages between people of the same sex. Legalization of such unions was adopted just before year when Gov. Andrew Cuomo NY tabled the bill. More than 200 thousand people have traveled from places outside the state to attend a ceremony for same-sex marriage. Nearly 235,000 hotel rooms have been reserved in the city in connection with this type of wedding. "Same-sex marriages have made our city much more open and free - also helped the economy," said Mayor Michael Bloomberg metropolis at a conference in Manhattan. In 2011, the city has attracted a record number of 50.5 million visitors. The ultimate goal of Bloomberg in 2015, is the number of visitors to reach 55 million people and jobs to increase by 30,000. Once the state has officially adopted the Law on marriage between same-sex couples and marketing campaign launched "NYC I DO", which he had set out to promote the city as a destination for honeymoons or for wedding parties. Except in New York, same-sex marriage legalized in the United States of Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and the District of Columbia Varmont (which is Washington, DC), recalls Freedom to Marry, New York-based NGO.

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