Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Physicists have created a beam that pulls objects as the alien

Tractor beam to which it speaks, it can pull the ships in the sky alien people and objects, not fiction. Physicists currently perfecting technology that until now was considered impossible. It turns out that researchers have discovered a trick that if you believe the stories of eyewitnesses of UFOs, aliens use. Namely, of the saucer placed beam and pulled inside everything you want. For example - people and animals. Such technology is actively used in fantasy films, portraying both newcomers and advanced to the inhabitants of the earth somewhere XXXI century. In 2011, Chinese scholar Chen Yun (Jun Chen) from Fudanskiya University in Shanghai (Fudan University in Shanghai) with colleagues from Hong Kong, Denmark, Singapore and the United States proved that this alien trick is not so supernatural. And the beam, the kontretno - laser can actually attracts objects to the radiation source, ie - the laser. Scientists vzanikva well-known effect of light pressure. For gravity need special laser - Bessel, creating so-called Bessel ribs. They have a special structure of peaks and troughs. Contrary to this spot reminiscent of concentric circles. And most importantly - it photons moving at an angle as napravelnieto beam itself. Last year, scientists claimed that if a certain way to organize ribs Bessel angle to the object, it will occur force directed to the opposite side. And the object will begin to move toward the source of radiation. Yun Chen recognizes that premestvmaneto large objects (like aliens) are still quite some time. Now it comes to handling dimensions in millimeters.        Chen Group was unable to verify his theory into practice and pulled beam any trifle. Necessary adjustments were very complex. But this year did a trick with Professor David Raffner Graer and David (David B. Ruffner and David G. Grier) from New York University (New York University). That they said in the journal Physical Review Letters in a paper Optical Conveyors: A Class of Active Tractor Beams Americans also used Bessel ribs, but another scheme that it seems far more simple. Raffner Graer and used two beams, superimposing them on one another, by altering the strength and phase them. Thus, say professors can grip objects and move in any desired direction. Will we ever get to the moving of large objects as they do aliens? Americans do not negate that prospect. But stressed that it would take a lot of energy. "With us was approached by NASA reported Raffner. You may be interested to be fitted with a tractor beam aboard the spaceship to collect, for example, dust from a comet. We have answered that it is possible, but not soon. " In NASA have other ideas for using tractor beam. For example - to clean the space near the Earth from space junk. Or harvested from remote space station astronauts. In the U.S. space agency believe that tractor beam has a great future. Going back to the past legends of many peoples say that the huge stone blocks that built the pyramids and megaliths were moved alone ... And the legend in May will soon find scientific confirmation that this is not a fairy tale, and for real activity.

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