Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Muscular teens live longer

Swedish experts have traced over a million teenagers for 24 years found that those with weak muscles of the arms and legs and a weak grip are in danger of early death, says the BBC.

Scientists believe that muscle strength reflects the overall physical condition. However, they stress that results in no way mean that Bodybuilding ensures longer life.

The effect of the poor condition of the muscles is followed by well-known risk factors for early death as obesity and high blood pressure. And weak and fat men have come forward even worse in terms of life expectancy if their muscles were weaker than average, while the coolest men had a better chance of survival even overweight .

Teens with above average muscle strength at baseline had a 20-35% lower risk of early death from any cause and from cardiovascular disease. They also had a 20 to 30 percent less likely to die from suicide and 65 percent of diagnosed mental illness, added Monday.

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