Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Unexpected things that excite men

Most men are aware that there is no exact formula on how to make a very, very attractive woman. Almost always a matter of overall look and even taste somewhat. In most cases, men are interested in whether a woman are sexy or not, without trying to understand what makes them look at it in one way or another way. No doubt the physical data are important - body, facial features, even movements. To this must be added the style of dress, behavior, hairstyle and makeup. Few people realize, however, unsuspected things that excite men. Those women traits, often do not comment, but raised a dozen sexual elements in every heterosexual male. For example, the ponytail. That is very, very underrated style. It is considered something very elegant and women appear to avoid it in formal occasions. Hair ties, when to do something, like work clothes, men assume that sexy. Drivin piled a large tail hair is very, very sexy. Even catch can bet that if a bar is placed 100 women with hair and one with a ponytail, most attention will get the heroine tied hair. In her hair gives the woman a little masculine appearance, making it look slightly worse, slightly naughty and mischievous, and a man who does not like pranksters?

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