Thursday, November 22, 2012

And the Pope said: Star of Bethlehem was a supernova

The Star of Bethlehem was not a miracle, but ordinary supernova, but Mary, even after birth, remained chaste "- these are the findings of El Mundo of the new book by Pope Benedict XVI" Childhood of Christ. " This is the third work of Pope recalls journalist Irene Velasco. Benedict XVI breaks conceptions of the circumstances of the birth of Christ. "In the manger where the baby Jesus was born, it was neither an ox nor a donkey and shepherds are greeted him with a song in his appearance on the world. Even if it is not clear exactly where Jesus was born - in a cave in Bethlehem and in Nazareth still "- the article says. Benedict XVI is known as a sophisticated theologian and an ardent supporter of the idea that faith is compatible with dispassionate reasoning, the author notes. Virginity of Mary - is one of the basic tenets of Catholicism reminds newspaper. Benedict XVI in his book, "Why chastity of the Virgin Mary - it is a historical fact or legend, which is expressed in its own way and interpret the mystery of Christ?" 'Is it true that Jesus Christ is the only son of God, he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary "- asks the Pope. And answered: "The answer is clear - yes, it's true." Birth of Mary Immaculate and resurrection of Christ - not "irrational and contradictory" phenomena, and proof of the power of God: "If God has no power over matter, he is not God."

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