Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sensation: froze human and saved him from death

British doctors with cold back to life girl who practically no e had no chance of survival. During birth the placenta is torn. The child was born without signs of life. During the first 25 minutes the girl could not even breathe. Doctors at a hospital in Cambridge failed to recover his breath, but the situation is critical - the long-term lack of oxygen causes damage to brain cells. A time for reflection was not. Doctors were forced to do one thing - to lower the body temperature of 33 degrees to the girl. "We decided to cool the child's body to 33 degrees and a half, and you know the normal temperature, it should be 37. Then wrapped in a special blanket with which to maintain the same body temperature and store it as 72 hours "- says doctor Topun Austin. "Our goal was to reduce the temperature in the brain. It had to be below 34 degrees - explains consultant physician Vidya Garikapati. - This increases the metabolism. This helps the brain to recover quickly from injuries received. '    Under the conditions of anoxia or children do not survive, or in most cases leads to serious complications that seriously affect their lives later. But doctors did not find any problems in Ella. "It was horrible - brain damage 25 minutes lifelessness - recalls the girl's mother Rachel Klekstan. - Doctors took the child in Cambridge. I do not know what awaits us. ' Successful use of artificial hypothermia in neonates, according to experts, can be one of the greatest achievements in medicine in the last twenty years. Doctors still talk carefully to succeed. It will take several years to ensure that children do not have any complications. Behind them will be closely monitored by doctors. But the miracle has happened: little Ella is alive and well. Last summer, doctors in the UK literally froze four Finley Burton to return to normal operation after his heart surgery complicated.

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