Thursday, November 22, 2012

Mice will look for explosives and drugs at airports

Israeli company has ambitions to revolutionize the detection of explosives and drugs at airports due to unusual secret agents - mice AFP. "Mice can be trained to sniff out drugs and money," says founder Eran BioEksplorars Lumbrozo. "Mice are much more developed sense of smell by police dogs," he said. The discovery of explosives hidden in a passenger mechanism is simple. Suspicious passenger enters the cab and against him for short run air stream which is then forwarded in a box with walls of opaque glass that sits in the cab. There is a "post" eight mice. If they smell the odor in the flow of suspicious substances whose detection are trained mice "blow the whistle" by pouring in the litter box in the room, said Monday. Otherwise, the passenger can leave the cab after eight seconds. Each cabin can be equipped with up to three boxes in which "work" teams of eight mice. They change after four hours of work. "Mice are better fed and their living conditions are even better than those of laboratory rodents," said the owner of the company that developed the method. He recalls that his rats were trained to detect explosives and drugs two months and then start work for 18 months. In December 2010 BioEksplorars cab was installed at a shopping mall in Tel Aviv and was made an experiment with 1200 visitors. The company hid drugs in twenty of those participants in the test mice and unerringly found her, said Eran Lumbrozo.

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