Thursday, November 22, 2012

Discovered parallel worlds

British scientists have received the first physical evidence of the possible existence of parallel worlds. As Itar-Tass, citing the newspaper "Daily Mail", researchers from University College London have found points of contact of our universe to other universes, which are not visible to the naked eye. Thus modern science, it seems, has received the first confirmation neteoretichni called string theory, which until now only speculative proves the existence of parallel worlds.    The new discovery was made during a study of the space distribution of the relic microwave radiation, which has remained after the Big Bang, which is said to be the origin of our universe. The radiation is not uniform. It contains special areas characterized by fever. "We are obviously confronted with space gaps formed as a result of contact with our world parallel worlds" - says Professor Stephen Finney - one of the leaders of the study. He believes that our universe - it's just a small bubble in the giant ocean by parallel worlds, having other physical characteristics.

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