Thursday, November 22, 2012

Three months in prison for sex in taxi in Dubai

British and Irish accused of sexual activities in Dubai taxi, were sentenced to three months imprisonment and deportation after Reuters, citing their lawyer. This is another case in which Westerners face of decency laws in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), shedding light on cultural differences. The country is trying to balance between maintaining their Muslim identity and the burgeoning tourist industry. Rebecca Blake and Connor Makredmand rejected charges of "indecent behavior" and of committing "obscene act in taxi" when faced court last month. Are acknowledged to be "guilty" on the third charge related to the consumption of alcohol in public. Their lawyer said they would appeal, submitted Monday. In recent years there have been several cases of Westerners accused of violating decency laws in Dubai - the most cosmopolitan of the seven emirates of the UAE satava.

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