Thursday, November 22, 2012

Rats - mutants were found in Britain

Rats - mutants found in the counties of Berkshire and Hampshire, are insensitive to most poisons and diseases. Externally they look like ordinary wild rats, but have a gene that makes animals highly resistant to poisons and deadly diseases such as rats are carriers of these diseases. Sets you a new epidemic of the plague? That's what I feared British doctors. Dr. Alan Buckley from the University of Reading, who led the study in rats of the city Henley said the body of one of them found a bunch of dangerous infections, including the agent of leptospirosis - a very dangerous acute infection. Affects the kidneys, skeletal muscle, liver, causing bleeding into the pleura, stomach, intestines.    The Ministry of Health believes that it is necessary to develop new deadly poisons these rats, but a group of environmentalists protesting, considering that so will only worsen the situation and harm many animals used for food in rats and mice. - The more deadly poisons are invented, the rats become resistant and that can lead to even more tragic consequences, says Jeff Knot of the British Society for Nature Conservation. In materials

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