Thursday, November 22, 2012

Couples who look alike are attracted to?

Color of eyes, hair, and why not dimples facial ... It turns out that men are attracted to strong women who resemble them in appearance, according to a study of French scientists, AFP. Whether this attraction can come stable relationship, here science is silent. Scientists from Montpellier decided to pay attention to the woman's features that are not essential to the genetic selection, such as eye color, thick lips or eyebrows. They tried to explore two theories, the first of which - the so-called. homogamiya. This means that, as in many species, some individuals are attracted to partners who are genetically similar to them, ie they resemble. Another theory is called for. "Uncertainty of paternity." A man tends to prefer female recessive traits - blue eyes, thin lips. These are recessive traits to brown eyes and thick lips. This allows the child to recognize their own genetic characteristics passed Thursday. Having these two theories scientists have done experiments we asked 100 men to choose between these different images of the most attractive women on them. The results were that men prefer to choose women who are similar in their characteristics. Been made and another analysis - of real couples with children. It also proved that the spouses have more similarities than two randomly selected individuals. From the experiments and analyzes made nothing serious has supported the theory of "the uncertainty of paternity."

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