Thursday, November 22, 2012

Scientists discovered windows to previous universes

Legendary physicist Sir Roger Penrose argues that, contrary to current cosmological theory of the emergence of the universe 13.7 billion years since the Big Bang has found the first evidence of the eternal cyclical nature of the universe, says According to the Big Bang theory of everything now comprises the universe was once concentrated in the point of almost infinite density. Before singularity (the universe compressed into an infinitely dense and low point) to explode oznachava that before the universe - there was absolutely nothing. It is unclear whether it can be used particle "before" to the universe that existed before the Big Bang, because time itself may not exist. In this model, the universe was created by the Big Bang and suffered a split second rapid expansion and cooling gradually slows to a much slower expansion that is happening today and will complete the transformation of the universe in an endless extended desert area. Sir Roger Penrose, one of the most famous physicists of the last fifty years, disagrees with such developments. He recalls that the universe emerged from a state of very low entropy, ie from the beginning it was very balanced. That is what makes possible the existence of a complex material from which it is composed. He argues that the Big Bang can not explain why it's gone so evenly. According to him, this is explained by the fact that our universe - is just one of many found in the cyclic chain, which first expands and then shrinks back. What does this mean? Penrose argues that at the end of its existence, the universe will return to a state of low entropy. This is because black holes suck all matter, energy and information they encounter along the way, thus removing the entropy of the universe (where entropy goes, that's another matter). The continuing expansion of the universe will eventually become, in a desert space that will force even black holes to evaporate, which in turn will lead the universe in a very balanced state. It will be ready to collapse into a singularity and make the next big bang.    This theory certainly has its advantages, but there are no arguments .. and now. According to Penrose, he found evidence to support your ideas in the microwave cosmic background radiation that passes through the whole universe was created, as previously thought, 300,000 years after the Big Bang, which allows you to see what was in that universe long time. Penrose and his colleague Vahe Guradzyan, discovered concentric circles consisting of areas with much smaller temperature ranges than anywhere else. What does this mean? Penrose believes these circles are windows into the previous universe, spherical waves left by the gravitational force when bending the black holes in the previous universe. According to him, these environments do not fit in the current inflationary model where all the temperature changes of the background microwave radiation to be random. Here begins the most interesting. If these groups do exist and really what Penrose accepts them, it means that he is unable to refute the standard model of the universe. But to that he was still far away. The current model of the universe was adopted unanimously as the most comprehensive way explains universe. So with great skepticism cosmologists refer to studies that attempt to disprove it.

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