Thursday, November 22, 2012

Complete relaxation month before the "end of the world" 2012

Businesses based on etc. Mayan prophecy of the end of the world 21:12. 2012, was a fiasco, says Gianluca Nicoletti newspaper La Stampa.
"Why one month before the end of the world, we are so calm? Only a year earlier universal affliction was enveloped humanity as a dark veil. Buying havoc on most ruthless works for the approaching apocalypse. Media, film and books we provided a detailed picture of the predictions and scenarios that will be carried out after December 21, at least for a short period of time while we are alive, "- said the reporter.
"Someone started to indicate any unexpected matches during the tsunami, floods and earthquakes - which seems indicate the final catastrophe. Other early as January began to notice that the seasons are no longer the same - yes, in the air, something haunting. But now, just 30 days before the announced end, what these predictors? Some say that the Apocalypse has been postponed for a few months, others argue that the 2012 end of the world will be, but the asteroid Apophis, "Destroyer" could hit Earth in 2036 "- says the author.

"There are, only a few preparations for the end of the world - continues journalist - French for not not be prepared for tourists, decided to close the public on December 21 Bugarash peak in the Pyrenees - believes that this will be one of the few places land that will be affected during the Apocalypse. '

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