Thursday, November 22, 2012

Fantasy? Man can breathe underwater

Can you breathe underwater? Not without the use of air bubbles. It turns out that is not true, because scientists, in collaboration with the Russian cosmonauts and American astronauts say the depth of 500-700 meters each one can become a Ihtiandar * without the aid of diving! He can live under water like a fish almost anywhere. The only important requirement is ... to fill his lungs with water. At a depth of five hundred, seven hundred meters person will probably be able to obtain oxygen directly from the water. It seems unlikely, right? Not a transmitter thousands of people each year? Can water to replace the air? Scientists conducted jointly amazing experience. Filled with a transparent water tank, add a little salt. Then tightly closed container and start stoking it oxygen under pressure. Then, in the middle (-gate) camera placed in the tank white mouse. She can not swim because it is hermetically sealed in the tank ...    Passing hour, two, three. Mouse strange as it seems to breathe. Yes, it breathe underwater! And shows no signs of anxiety. In the case of rodent lungs begin to act like the gills of fish and pull oxygen from the water. Of course, for any decompression illness can not speak - because no nitrogen in the water. So the first step towards the settlement of people in the water is made. Whether nastpva era water world? * Ihtiandar is (by city:????, Ikhthu - fish?????, Andro - person) fictional character, able to live under water, the protagonist in the science fiction novel "The Amphibian Man" by the Russian writer Alexander Belyaev [1] and in the movie made from the book.

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