Thursday, November 22, 2012

UFO frequent invasions. Why?

One of the most interesting areas in paranauchnite knowledge - ufology recently collected more and more material for study. Those who are not particularly interested in ufology believe that unidentified flying objects can occur anywhere, at any time, but it is not. Experts in this area have shown a pattern in the appearance of UFOs. First, it should be recognized that the UFO appears usually near Earth flying objects. Namely, the place where he had just flown a plane or near airports. The second important point is that the appearance of UFOs often portends global events soon to happen in the world. Particular attention was paid to the few UFO crashes to the ground in various cities around the world. Remember particularly striking events that took place. 1945 was marked by a number of adverse events, among them the most fearsome is the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. There is credible information that at some distance from the U.S. bomber that carried the bombs flew UFO that remains in the air over the city for several days. Similar situations have been observed with several other military events characteristic of the first and second world wars. No less a case of collision with extraterrestrial intelligence is seen in the U.S. state of North Dakota, where UFO appears over the U.S. missile base. Also there is such a thing over the American air bases: Williams, Loring, Vurtsmit etc. In 1956 the sensational appearance of aliens was over French Orly airport, where a UFO was recorded and documented. But what happened long ago can still be questioned. However, now the sky above the city is restless. From time to time, contain information about the appearance of UFOs in many countries. Here is a summary of the latest news about UFOs this month. Over Manhattan on the night of October 13 appeared strange objects. Eyewitnesses describe them as "glowing orbs". Interestingly, space radar, they are not found, or the military does not say.    This year becomes more frequent appearance of UFOs over New York. Skeptics are increasingly looking for an explanation of such incidents in natural phenomena, but not everything can be explained in this way. This summer has been to China many "fruitful" from the UFO. In June I had to block Chinese airports around ten times, due to the fact that the sky was an unidentified flying object. The last time this event has been observed in China for less than a month. On July 27, 2010 several unidentified flying objects fly around the International Space Station and astronauts observed and captured them. There are many predictions that soon the appearances of UFOs will become more as foreigners trying to warn us of impending global catastrophe. If we take into account the evidence of all witnesses and let something like this, the question arises: What purpose have the aliens? What do they want to achieve? In this case, to analyze the fact that they appear over military bases, it is reasonable to fear that foreigners appreciate our level of protection and power on earth technical and military installations. Such an assessment may be needed if the ambassadors of extraterrestrial civilizations are preparing to invade Earth. On the other hand, we can not do anything, we can only wait for the unknown. We analyze, we assume, but no accurate data. Maybe if mobilize all intellectual forces will solve the mystery of aliens, but as long as half of the population are suspicious to what has long been proven and a blind eye to the actual interventions of foreigners in our lives - we can not deal with.

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