Tuesday, November 20, 2012

10 mysteriously abandoned ships

Offshore can happen a lot - pirates, riots, murder, bad weather, not to mention of course, alien abduction, battles with sea monsters and of course the legendary Bermuda Triangle. It is not surprising that so many have found no trace of the ships passengers and crew. From the ship without crew spotted several times near Alaska to the kidnapping of a British crew of a German submarine in World War I, these 10 ships have one thing in common, strange and inexplicable mystery</i>.

<b>Mary Celeste</b>

When should describe the discovery of the Mary Celeste abandoned completely in 1872. the word "ghost" just did not make sense. Brigantine was found in the Atlantic and have stocks of food and water for more than six months on board. The cargo was virtually untouched and the personal belongings of the passengers and crew were still in place, including valuables. Theories have any of storm by pirates, and even mentioned an alleged alien abduction and assault of Leviathan (sea monster). Now what happened to Mary Celeste remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries. But this is not an isolated case.

<b>Carol A. Diaring</b>

Five-mast schooner trade, found off the coast of North Carolina in 1921 with no crew. "Diaring" may be a victim of the Bermuda Triangle, mutiny or piracy. On 31 January 1921 he was spotted stuck in diamond shoals, near Cape Hatteras on the American coast. Rescue teams found completely abandoned ship, no trace of the crew and his personal effects, navigation equipment or book. The U.S. government immediately launched an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of sailors, among the possible theories are - pirates Russian Communists and paranormal phenomena. In 1922, the investigation was terminated without an answer. Today Diaring included under 'Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle ", although in fact he was not even supposed to be moved closer to him.

<b>Bell Amico</b>

Classic schooner, unique in Italy is found off the coast of Sardinia again abandoned. Like Mary Celeste story is repeated only this time no mythical legends of ancient times. The ship was found by the Italian Coast Guard in 2006, the deck was found half eaten Egyptian food, French maps of North African seas, clothes, flag of Luxembourg and a wooden plaque engraved with "Bell Amico." Italinskata Police conduct an investigation and found that the schooner is not registered anywhere. The ship was identified as an antique, which further boost the interest of journalists. Along came the euphoria and the owner, a sailor from Luxembourg who is not registered schooner to avoid taxes, but never explained why he left.

<b>Hi Eym 6</b>

Murder and rebellion - the story of Hai Eym 6 is odd. This Taiwanese ship is found to be drifting off Australia in 2003. Crew no trace, like the ship was full of fuel and supplies. Signs of struggle is also missing, and a search of all the time also proves unsuccessful. 10 days after the ship was discovered in Indonesia are intercepted phone calls from the ship's engineer. The only crew member who openly say that the captain and the engineer were killed, and the crew returned to their homes, not to mention the reason.

<b>Jian Seng</b>

Many illegal activity taking place in the world's oceans, from the illegal fishing of trafficking. So when I find a mysterious ship of unknown origin, he immediately became suspicious. Jian Seng is such a case, spotted drifting off Kuinslad, Australia in 2006. When authorities boarded the ship found no sign that soon there were people. There was no evidence of registration and origin but written with paint name hull. The only thing found was a large quantity of rice. Once the owner had not found the ship was deliberately sunk.


With 25 people on board, Joey disappears into the Pacific Ocean in 1955. The ship was used as a patrol of the Big Island of Hawaii until the end of World War II. On October 3, 1955 leaving harbor towards Samoan islands of Tokelau, located 400 km away. Four weeks later found polupotanal missing about 4 tons of cargo including medical supplies, lumber and food. The radio was on the international maritime distress channel. Inflatable boats were gone, but everywhere there were traces of blood. The basic theory is that the captain was killed and the crew had no choice but to abandon ship. However, this does not explain the missing cargo.

<b>Kaz II</b>

On April 15, 2006, three friends embark on a journey around the coast of Australia. Three days later, their ship was found to be carried by the stream near the Great Barrier Reef with everything in perfect condition, but they were missing. On the table there was food, laptop, one of the boys was still on and the lifejackets were pinned in place. The sea around the reef is quite turbulent and since none of them was wearing vest, it is assumed that one of them fell overboard, and others were lost trying to help him.


Another ship found without crew is Zebrina sailed from southern England in October 1917 with a valuable cargo of coal to France. Barge was found after two days near the French coast, seems to be the victim of conflicts from World War I, such as U-boat "patrol" the coast (like this one). Some believe that the alleged submarine was sunk later because he never had found the bodies of the crew of Zebrina.


"May 4, 1824. 71 days without food. I am the last survivor. "Wrote the captain was found frozen, writing the message 17 years later. British schooner, opened in 1840 in the Drake Passage between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean whaling ship, with all hands on board perfectly preserved by the cold Arctic. Their bodies were burned and thrown into the ocean.


Steel ship weighing 1,322 tons built in 1914 and used to trade with the Eskimos in Canada. On October 1, 1931, he stuck in the ice of the Arctic Sea. Briefly crew abandoned him, and two days later the sailors returned, as the ice retreated. On October 8th the ship ran aground again and Hudson Bay Company sent a plane to pick up the crew. Fifteen of the twenty-two sailors decided to stay and wait for winter to end. In November snowstorm began after the ship disappeared. It was assumed that sank with valuable cargo of furs.
In the coming months and years, however, various Inuit hunters said they saw "Baykimo" by a group of Eskimos last saw him in 1969, 38 years after he was dropped for the first time. Since then, his fate is unknown.

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