Tuesday, November 20, 2012

UFO regularly visit military bases, nuclear

U.S. military worked in the Air Force claim aliens since 1948 dealing with the elimination of nuclear warheads the United States and Britain. Sensational statement was published in the pages of the British newspaper The Daily Mail.
I even alien craft has landed in the territory of one of the bases of the BBC in the UK. Both governments jealously hide information about what is happening.
These findings were made by six reserve officers and a former officer in the Air Force. One spoke, retired Captain Robert Salas, said: "We are talking about unidentified flying objects, known as flying saucers."
Salas first witnessed suspicious activity on March 16, 1967 at the military base Malmstrom in Montana.
"I was on duty when an unidentified object flew over the base and dependent. Minuteman Missiles seem themselves excluded. The same thing happened to another place one week later. These sites, where they are, have a strong interest in our missiles. I personally think they're not from planet Earth "- he said.

Colonel Charles Halt claims that about 30 years ago he saw a UFO above the base of RAF Bentwaters in Ipswich. This is one of the few bases which stored nuclear weapons. UFO light emitted to the base. Then I heard on the radio that aliens had visited the place for the storage of nuclear weapons.
"I think the intelligence services of both the United States and the United Kingdom have attempted - both then and now - to downplay the significance of what happened at Bentwaters, using well-tested methods of disinformation" - says Halt.
Last known extraterrestrial intervention in the operation of facilities for the storage of nuclear orazhiyae was in the U.S. in 2003. These and other data contained testimonies of 120 dismissed or retired military.
Researcher Robert Hastings (pictured), who wrote about the incident, said that the foreigners were engaged in "simple observation" but warned then that they seem to have started to pay some things more attention. He admitted that no matter how amazing sounds that assumption, but he agrees that UFOs are only long look around nuclear warheads, then even influence them.

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