Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Mayan Prophecies for 2012

According to scientists from Italy, most likely part of the world is predicted by the ancient Indian monks Mayan civilization. According to their predictions of December 23, 2012 ended the era of the Fourth Sun.

They say at this Earth Day will descend god Polonakte and come the end of time. However, the Mayan legend says: there will be a change of era, the children will be born in the White Jaguar with a different color that will live in the world. They will bring people to the ancient roots and to love.

It is still not clear how and when it occurred Maya. There is a version that they are descendants of the Olmec. But Mayan priests claimed that after the fall of Atlantis, large groups of people are scattered around the world.

So, today, archaeologists discovered similarities in the ancient ruins of the countries where they lived exiles from Atlantis: The Pyramids, the same characters in the script, gods, animals ...

The Mayans were unique - without having iron wheel, they erected huge pyramids and observatories. Polenke is an architectural jewel in the jungle. There, according to Mayan Sun first rose and there it will end.

Mayan calendars are twenty, but the most accurate according to scientists, are two of them. Ritual Tzolkin contains 260 days and solar - 365 days.

These calendars make up 52-year cycle synchronization. This means that after 52 years of the same one day Sacred Calendar and one year.

Mayan civilization disappeared 500 years before the discovery of America by Europeans. There are several scenarios for the end of the world. One is the asteroid that will destroy all life on Earth.

The other is a giant tsunami and the third - nuclear technology. It is known that at 100 meters below ground, on the border of France and Switzerland, is an accelerator of elementary particles.

According to scientists, these particles can be accelerated so as to become a black hole and swallow not only Earth, but the solar system. According to the theories of scientists particles will penetrate the surface in 2012.

Some scholars, however, believe that black holes are just transport tunnels to other dimensions. According to the Mayan universe exist in eleven dimensions, which can be reached through huge black tunnels.></a>

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