Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The illuminati and Indigo childern

2012, Indigo and Illuminati - or in what ways illuminated collect information about children indingo?
Before hiyaldi two and eleven years at the end of December on the outskirts of a little town of Bethlehem was born a baby with an unusual fate later called Christ. After 33 years became a man who was able to impose the philosophy of love as the main driving force in the universe and our lives. This simple religion (unfortunately compromised more than carnage and perversion of the church) managed to capture nearly half the world, collapsed on the way one of the most powerful and tyrannical empires Illuminati - ever existed - Roman.
Some people (lit) had no idea what would happen on that December night and it took an effort to prevent religion of light and love. Axis of satanic ingenuity our people decide to stop coming events starting to brutally kill all newborns. According to the Bible, were killed over 10,000 innocent babies and small ...
Now, 2,011 years later, again waiting for the end of December with the hope of salvation. However, they are also waiting ... I am confident that after 2,000-strong reflections have tried to learn from my mistakes and not make dopsukat back at any cost ...
1) It is like the Illuminati can use the intelligence services, secret agents and methods to gather information about their enemies and then be able to study, analyze their weak areas and to proceed with their destruction or elimination.
2) Since indingo their increased vibration is a natural obstacle to their plan for world domination (NIC / WTO), the reason question then arises what are the Illuminati, to prevent the raising of indigo ground vibration and a possible spike in new in- beautiful and better dimension?
There are opinions that will draw with candy and shit, merge with us the Christmas dance and pray for forgiveness in the air throwing his wealth accumulated wrong, but I'm not very inclined to believe this version.
3) And not to have read Sun Tzu or are specialists in subversive operations we can think that in order to defeat an enemy you need at least basic information about him - who is he, what's his name, where they live, what were his friends, and how to respect them and not spot how posldeno think and act.
As we were taught in the 5th grade 1), 2) and 3) => Illuminati that urgently need to know who the children indingo how to say where they live, who their friends and most importantly what they think, say and operate.
How do you feel Illuminati collect personally identifiable information, thoughts and actions of indigo and indigo communities?
 Is it possible to use this to pay the owners of "Facebook", "Twitter" (which has long been known that deal with personal data) and other social networks to find opponents.
Is it possible to sponsor some miles grown-ups with aura cameras (expensive and designed knows where) free to scan and view (hmm, where she remained skanovete logs)?
Could not sponsosrat some old guys offer them free pedagocheska, psychological assistance to uplift treninigi, sometimes free, but always under the list (still to be caused by access how goyalma room to rent)?
Is it possible to sponsor some grown-ups to create shiny Sharenka groups illustrated in "Facebook" and other social networks with sleep-rozavi titles?
Could we be flooded with messages of channeling command (ex, Timur, rose from the ashes like a phoenix) alien superheroes (of the galactic magnetic ektronno-lift and Lifeguard), around the clock fighting the bad guys in the clouds and under the earth, for us this year to safely eat pork chop without us sat down, though "Harp" We dropped a few Richter to enhance the effects of Christmas fireworks?
If you have any observations and opinions, I would love to share them. I will be happy if we unitedly make a list of such places, people and processes that appear sticky lure souls indigo. Note that not all of them malicious act (might just have been held or are frail hearted and puppets), but as you know, "the road to hell with good intentions Then" and "deeds ye shall know them" ...

P.S. Call during the discussion to avoid anger, paranoia and hate speech - I assure you in Bulgaria Illuminati enjoy minority status disappearing all baseless slanders and insults against them will be immediately censored and their authors submitted to the people (sorry corporate - still have to get used to ACTA-terminology) power. Not excluded and subsequent extortion of confessions refreshing morning electroshock therapy 

P.S.S. I thought during his exile and that I would like to apologize to Eona Lightholder - was very baked sister and straightforward person.
She was right - my previous theme was very emotional, but the Illuminati do not think so. They plan things meticulously and calmly. They do not need indingo death - which is more appropriate to search, locate and customize indingo then to ochipyat (RFID) and anesthetized with vaccines and psihotrpni substances. From there you will encounter using their strong energy workforce, as they have to build highways, factories and underground weapons facilities. How much more convenient it is to have free labor from concentration camps (Guantanamo) and mental health clinics. Only this time, no caps are yellow and indigo. It is assumed that the stripes will remain "fashion" ...

P.S.S. At the end of the topic (if it is not banned under specious pretexts nyakvai) will provide compelling evidence of the activities of the Illuminati in this area, which you can check and evaluate the manuscript (ie, I will reveal the sources of this information) . Until we reach that point, I was happy if I see posts containing genuine interest and understanding of the problem. A salute to the hater ...
... "Smoke on the water, fire in the sky ..."

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