Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Einstein's genius hiding in unusual structure of his brain

New discoveries brain researchers at Albert Einstein showed that his unusual abilities may be hidden in the specific location and design of its folds.
Einstein's brain is unique as its owner. Are unique in that the authors of the theory of relativity, as we now know it. Therefore, in 1955 physiologist Thomas Harvey derived Einstein's brain immediately after his death, to begin its detailed study and even to find the cause of his genius.
Theories of how the brain structure in principle and Einstein in particular affects the formation of some exceptional abilities, there are many. The last of them belongs to the Florida researchers, who published their work in the journal Brain.
In Dean Falk - anthropologist who led the new study, the brain of Albert really is not "as the brains of other people."


"Some things seem normal. For example, the size of the brain is pretty standard. The asymmetric shape is also the norm. But what is unusual is the complexity of folds, their extraordinary intertwining in some parts of the brain "- said Falk.
Folk Group studied photographs of Einstein's brain and another 85 "ordinary" people. Scientists have even been able to identify which parts of the brain in highly developed genius. "It's prefrontal cortex, somatosensory system pretsentralnite folds and parietal, temporal and occipital region of the brain. They are truly amazing, "- said the scientist.
However, their enthusiasm Folk mixed with skepticism. According to him, no answer to the main question: whether Einstein was born with these brain folds or crush his physique makes this "change" in the structure of his brain?

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