Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Scientists found evidence of the existence of the human soul

Work presented last week at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), revive debate about the existence of life after death and the ephemeral substance and soul.
"Our results are striking in that we communicate with a group of people with a complete lack of brain activity," said Sam Parnell, one of two doctors in the hospital Sauthyamptanskata (Southampton General Hospital), who studied okolosmartni other stories (almost death - PBS).
During the study, performed on 63 patients who were clinically dead, only seven were able to recall all the details of his week-long stay "in the afterlife." Four people are in a state of NDE, describe specific and clear photos after doctors revealed the absence of brain function.
Patients usually describe a feeling of calm, peace and harmony, columns of light, time in another dimension, and communicating with deceased relatives.

Steam says that lack of oxygen can not remember what happened, so that data are collected on the basis of the testimony of patients with low levels of oxygen in the brain. Of course, skeptics will always find something to detect and believes that such "hallucinations" are associated with losing or regaining consciousness, but it steam says brain damage in an accident, I just can not remember what happened about blackouts.
Researchers interviewed more than 3,000 people, most of whom were in critical condition for a long period of time. Scientists point out that many of them are afraid to go crazy because of what they saw.
The most daring hypothesis is that the human mind has no connection with the brain, but only as the host gray matter - transmitter, transmission and design thinking in action.

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