Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Death of U.S. Vanga predicts

War of the world in 2012 in the prophecies of Vanga

Death of U.S. predicts Vanga

Today, hundreds of people flocked to the church St. Petka in Rupite to light a candle at the grave of the Bulgarian prophetess. According to residents of the area Rupite is imbued with a special power, making miracles.

At noon arhieriyskiyat mayor of Petrich Father Angel Kochev served memorial service to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the death of Petrich clairvoyant.

Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova was born on January 31, 1911 in Strumica. He died on 11 August 1996. Vanga is known both at home and abroad with his predictions for the future. Anyone touched by the spiritual power and wisdom of the Bulgarian prophetess, tells of her kindness and humanity.

As the main evidence of psychic abilities Vanga her words indicating collapse of the USSR, the "black president of the greatest power" - the election of Obama, attack the iron birds in America - the events of September 11, predictions of doom nuclear submarine "Kursk".

Attributed its collapse is still forecast for the U.S., which is associated with the ongoing financial crisis and instability there.

Contradictory claims are prophecies about the near and distant future of the world. Some Vanga predicted the start of World War III in 2012. Others are in her words, predictions of unification, a new Messiah and world peace. It is said that the prophet in his lifetime the date of his death.

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