Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Scientists now predict the time of death

U.S. scientists have found a way with high accuracy to predict weather a day when you are most likely to die from stroke or heart attack. This factor is determined by the particular combination of the human genotype, writes Daily Mail.
A team of scientists from the Department of Neurology at BIDMC Medical Center in Boston (Masachuzets) found that combination by accident, in the study of Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's.
The study involved 1,200 healthy 65-year-old American. Scientists studied the condition of these people while they sleep. In this study they found in nabora of chromosomes in these people a molecule that is composed of nitrogenous bases adenine (hereafter A) and guanine (G). A and G are present in the human genome in different combinations.
Adenine and guanine - are organic compounds that make up DNA. Scientists believe that there is 36% probability in the genome of an individual to attend AA genetic combination, 16% chance of combination GG and 48% probability - AG.


It is also found that people with a genetic combination AA usually wake up an hour earlier by the holders of a combination GG. Researchers also found that people with genotype AA or AG is likely to die from stroke or heart attack in the morning until 11 o'clock. And people GG genotype were more likely to die for the same reason during the day, before 18:00.
"The internal clock regulates many aspects of human biology and behavior. He also set the time, such as stroke and heart attack. "- Says study lead author Andrew Lim.
"So it's actually a gene that predicts the time of day when you will die. No date of death, happiness, and time of day. "Podchertva-chief of neurology department at Medical Center BIDMC Clifford Separ.

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