Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Obama won the presidential election

Barack Obama won the presidential election in the United States. First black head of state started his second term. Obama received more than 270 votes in the Electoral College as it was necessary to defeat Republican Mitt Romney.

Democratic Party president retains its majority in the Senate, Republicans again dominate the House of Representatives. "Four more years" - these are the cries of the Democrats in Chicago speak for themselves.

Barack Obama re-elected U.S. president: "I'll be back in the White House more decisive and more inspired than ever."

45th U.S. president said he expects to work with the leaders of both parties to overcome the challenges facing the country - reducing the deficit, reforming the tax system, changes in immigration law.

Barack Obama re-elected U.S. president: "We're not as divided as the politicians say. We are more than a collection of red states and blue. Together with your help and God's grace will continue forward and remind the world we live in the greatest country on Earth. Thanks, America! "

Republicans believed that their victory is at hand. Mitt Romney led kamapniyata until the last moment. Finally appeared on stage in Boston to concede defeat.

Mitt Romney, the Republican candidate for president: "I just called Obama to congratulate him on his victory. His supporters and his campaign also deserve congratulations. Wish them all the best, especially the president of the first lady and their daughters. Americans are now facing major challenges and I pray to be a successful president the leader of the nation. "

And after these elections, both sides remain the same in Congress - Democrats retained their majority in the Senate, Republicans again dominate the House of Representatives.

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