Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Curiosity: Man can live on Mars

The level of radiation at the surface of Mars, which scientists believe is one of the obstacles to landing a man there is actually comparable to radiation in low Earth orbit, as measured by Curiosity.
"Ea, astronauts will be able to live in these conditions," - said the representative of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder (Colorado) Don Hasler, commenting on the results of the first-ever measurements of radiation levels on the surface of Mars. Hasler is a leading researcher on data from the rover mounted radiation detector, said "Fox News."
From powerful solar radiation, the Earth protects living beings with its magnetic field which will Mars. This has led scientists to question the astronaut survives after landing on the Red Planet. However, recent studies have shown that the atmosphere - although density, only 1% of the Earth - is an imposing barrier to dangerous fast moving particles from space.

Hasler said that the results are preliminary, as the rover is concerned with the study of the surface of Mars just three months after the planned schedule of the mission for two years. Precise data on the level of radiation on the planet will be determined later, he added.
Curiositi landed on Mars in August 2012 radiation detector is just one of ten scientific instruments are mounted on it. The primary mission of the rovers is searching for evidence that Mars once had an organic life.

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